Sunday, December 13, 2015

Merry Christmas! December Ministry Report

“For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His government and its peace will never end.” Isaiah 9:6-7

Merry Christmas!

We pray that the Lord grants you a blessed Christmas with family and friends, and we wish His blessings on you for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

We held our annual ministry board meeting this weekend. I gave my Executive Director’s report and what a blessing it was to review the year and see how the Lord used us in 2015 to impact lives and eternities. Here’s a summary of what God did through the ministry in 2015:

• MAD Live Events - 41 (we have completed 451 overall)

• Attendance - 2,182 (overall attendance is 24,368)

• Decisions for Christ at MAD Live Event - 95 (overall decisions for Christ - 1,287)

• Decisions for Christ at other events - 22

• Walk thru the Bible Old Testament Seminars - 4

• Chapel Speaker - 2

• Men’s Breakfasts - 1

• Camp Speaker - 1

• Teen Retreat Speaker - 1

• Other speaking engagements - 5

• Total Pocket Testament League Members recruited - 6,311

• Gospels of John ordered by these members - 120,839

In December, I completed one MAD Live Event and preached at a Sunday morning service. We continue to receive testimonies from people who have put into practice what we’ve taught at the MAD Live Event. Here are a few to bless and encourage you:

“Hi Don - It was GREAT to read your newsletter and see how people are being inspired to share the gospel. How wonderful to read the accounts of God speaking to people through His powerful Word Amen! I'm happy because I was able to give out a lot of "little books" this week too. Yesterday to a waitress at Perkins and then to the drive thru worker at Dunkin Donuts. Today to a Hindu cashier at an Office Depot and also to a gas station attendant. My friend Joe from church asked if I would get him some gospels to give out too, so cool. A group of us are going Christmas caroling mid December and we are going to hand them out.”

“I was sitting in a deli with a friend of mine, an older man with a white beard. Next to was a mom with her two daughters, ages about 8 and 10. When they got up to leave the mom said to my friend, "I have to tell you, my daughters think you are Santa Clause!" I'm not sure if she was serious or kidding! We had a laugh together. Then I said, "Now that we are talking about Christmas, can I give your daughters this gift? It's a book with very important stories in it." The mom said, "Yes they love to read!" I said, "They'll love these stories!!" "Thank you very much!" she said. That's how we got the Word of God with the Gospels of John into the hands of a family sitting next to us at the deli. Harry”


It is time for us to make reservations for lodging for our 2016 Ultimate Adventure trip to Utah. No experience necessary. A short video is on my website if you’d like to check out what we’ll be doing. It is difficult to make lodging decisions when we don’t know how many people are coming and what the mix is: how many couples, how many individual men, individual women, family members etc…and believe it or not, the lodging fills up well in advance. If you have interest in coming, I NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU NOW. We need at least 3 more people to do the trip. Please contact me if interested.


• Jan 3 - MAD Live Event - Park United Methodist Church, Sinclairville, NY

• Jan 10 – Speak at a Men’s Breakfast - Abundant Life Church - Birdsboro, PA

• Jan 14 - MAD Live Event for the staff of Light 106.9, Black Mountain, NC

• Jan 16 - MAD Live Event - First Baptist Church of Kingston, TN

• Jan 17 - Preach - First Baptist Church of Kingston, TN

• Jan 23 - MAD Live Event - Christ Chapel, Hickory, NC - Sponsored by Light 106.9 (The Billy Graham station)

• Thursday, Jan 28 - MAD Live Event (Part 1) - Jesus Book & Gift Store, Green Brook, NJ (Part 2 a week later, same night - Thursday)

• Jan 30 - MAD Live Event - Bethesda Full Gospel Tabernacle - Tonawanda, NY

• Jan 31 - MAD Live Event - Avoca Baptist Church, Avoca, NY

• Feb 3 - Share the Power - Lehigh Valley Pastor Luncheon

• Feb 4 - MAD Live Event (Part 2) - Jesus Book & Gift Store, Green Brook, NJ

• Feb 20 - MAD Live Event - (Sponsored by Mars Hill Radio Network)

• Feb 20 - Speak at Wild Game Dinner - Albion Alliance Church, Albion, NY

• Feb 21 - MAD Live Event - Albion Alliance Church, Albion, NY

• Feb 27 - Speak at Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Conference, Fredericksburg, VA

• Feb 28 - Speak at both services - Valley Forge Baptist Temple, Valley Forge, PA


• We ask for continued prayers for good health and safety as we travel and minister, and that hearts will be open to the Holy Spirit’s moving.

• For God to fill our 2016 Schedule

Love in Christ,

Cathy and Don

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Prayers for today

Today is the annual board meeting of our ministry for Christ. We would appreciate your prayers for safe travels, and that God would grant the members wisdom as we make decisions for next year.

Friday, November 27, 2015

How the Lord Used Us In November of 2015

Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

We completed 3 MAD Live Events this month, all in Pennsylvania. We praise God for the 4 people who surrendered their lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in repentance and faith. I received these testimonies from a Pastor in western PA after doing the training in his church this month. These should bless your heart and illustrate how the Lord is using the Live Event.

“After the seminar I was eagerly looking for my opportunity to hand out my Gospels of John. I missed my first chance, but because of your teaching I immediately knew it. I realized when the opening came and how I had missed it. I was ready the next time. I was visiting Ed in the hospital. He lived across the street from the church and as far as I knew, never went to church. We had talked several times in the past so I felt compelled to visit him. During my visit I gave him a Gospel of John. I talked to his wife a couple weeks later and she said Ed asked her to read "the little book" to him every day. The next time I visited, Ed was distinctly different. He shared with me that Jesus was now his Savior. It was all due to his faithful wife and that "little book." About six weeks later Ed went to be with his Lord, after knowing Him for only a couple months. Don, your message at the seminar was so true. It is not our words, but God's Word that is powerful enough to save.”

“After this latest seminar at our church 10 days ago, many of our people were sharing openings they had to hand out their "little books." The most revealing was one woman, Deb who was able to give one to her mother in a nursing home. Her mother never wanted to hear talk about 'God.' A week after receiving her "little book" she told Deb that she had read the whole book. She went on to say, "I want what you have." Deb was able to pray with her and she told Deb that she had Jesus as her Savior now. After years of her mother lying to her Deb is now watching for the evidence to be sure her confession is real. If Deb is not sure she is planning to followup with her mom in the weeks to come. (Don my hope is that Deb may write to you and share this story herself.)”

Here’s another testimony I received from a MAD Grad:

“I was able to share the gospel of John with a patient who I had long conversations with about God and Jesus. She was always laughing how I could believe such stories. I explained she would have to come to terms who Jesus really was and I gave her a pocket testament to read, a week later she accepted Christ as Savior, please pray for her. Also I have been able to share the Spanish version also. It is a great way to reach our Mexican families in the area.”


It is time for us to make reservations for lodging for our 2016 Ultimate Adventure trip to Utah. No experience necessary. A short video is on my website if you’d like to check out what we’ll be doing. It is difficult to make lodging decisions when we don’t know how many people are coming and what the mix is: how many couples, how many individual men, individual women, family members etc…and believe it or not, the lodging fills up well in advance. If you have interest in coming, I NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU NOW. Please contact me if interested.


• Dec 2 - Lehigh Valley Pastor/Pizza luncheon

• Dec 5 - MAD Live Event - Maranatha Family Christian Fellowship, Nazareth, PA

• Dec 6 - Preach at the Alliance Church in Port Allegany, PA

• Dec 7 - Present to the Outreach Committee of Life Church in Bethlehem

• Dec 12 - Annual Board Meeting of Don Sunshine Ministries

• Jan 3 - MAD Live Event - Park United Methodist Church, Sinclairville, NY

• Jan 14 - MAD Live Event for the staff of Light 106.9, Black Mountain, NC

• Jan 16 - MAD Live Event - First Baptist Church of Kingston, TN

• Jan 23 - MAD Live Event - Christ Chapel, Hickory, NC - Sponsored by Light 106.9 (The Billy Graham station)

• Thursday, Jan 28 - MAD Live Event (Part 1) - Jesus Book & Gift Store, Green Brook, NJ (Part 2 a week later, same night - Thursday)

• Jan 30 - MAD Live Event - Bethesda Full Gospel Tabernacle - Tonawanda, NY

• Jan 31 - MAD Live Event - Avoca Baptist Church, Avoca, NY


• Our Annual Board of Directors meeting is Dec 12th. Please pray for God’s wisdom, guidance, and direction as the Board meets and makes decisions.

• We have an incredible January schedule, but filling the months following continues to be a struggle. Please pray for our calendar to fill. Your help with pastoral contacts and prayers for next year are truly appreciated!

• We ask for continued prayers for good health and safety as we travel and minister, and that hearts will be open to the Holy Spirit’s moving.

Love in Christ,

Cathy and Don

Monday, November 16, 2015

Craig's List Divine Appointment

I sold a Harley-Davidson tour pack bag on Craigslist today to a man named John. His bag was stolen off of his Harley in Ocean City. Shared a One Second After You Die booklet with him.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

MAD Live Event #450 today

I completed MAD Live Event #450 today in Bethlehem, PA. 33 people attended and a man, who had attended this church for the first time on Sunday, showed up today and gave his life to Jesus Christ. He came up to me afterwards with a big smile on his face and told me that he had been confused about what the Gospel actually was, but today, he understood it clearly and made a decision to surrender to the Lordship of Christ in repentance and faith. PRAISE GOD!!!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Divine Appointment

Last night on the way to Hershey, we stopped for dinner. Our waitress’ name was Katie. I told her that we always asked a blessing on our meals and we always pray for our server. I asked how we could pray for her. She was quite stunned, then said I was going to make her cry. I said, “Please don’t cry”….too late. She burst into tears. She calmed down and asked me to pray for her family. I asked if there was someone in particular whom needed prayer, and she told me her Dad did. I asked for his name and told her we’d pray for her and her Dad. She thanked us and left. We left her a Gospel of John with a personal note in the front, and a great tip. Now it’s up to our Lord.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

MAD Live Event in Carlisle

I completed another MAD Live Event today in Carlisle, PA. One lady gave her life to Christ at the event. God is good!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Great day, but a little sick...

I completed the 448th MAD Live Event today in Murrysville, PA. It was a small church but without a doubt, they had the highest percentage of people attend. Normally on a Saturday, the average is 10-15% of the Sunday morning attendance. With lots of promotion, and having the members sign an agreement to show up (very creative), they would have had 100% attendance, except for one lady who called in this morning. She had a tooth pulled yesterday and was a little under the weather. So we had 26 people attend and I praise God for 2 people who gave their lives to Christ today! I also got to pray for several waitresses as I traveled. Tomorrow I'll be in Carlisle for another MAD Live Event. I covert your prayers as I developed a sore throat today. Can't afford to be under the weather right now.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Divine Appointment

Today I was filling in on a vacant bus run for the school district. After the pre-ride checklist, a lady came to the door of the school bus and introduced herself as Jeanne. She was assigned to ride with me this morning to check out the route. The management was hoping she would take the morning and afternoon run going forward. In the course of conversation, I found out the she has never been to church, but always felt there is a God. I had the opportunity to go through the Way of the Master questions with her and share the “One Second After You Die” booklet with her. There was also an opportunity to pray for her as she had a cancerous tumor in her breast 15 years ago, which required a lumpectomy, and another one has recently appeared that needs to be looked at. Jeanne thanked me for the book and said she would read it. She may ride again with me tomorrow, so I’ll be able to follow up.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Divine Appointment Missed...then found

I went trick or treating with my son and his family last night. We stopped at a house that could be interested in buying. I saw a VA Game Commission truck in the driveway and my son told me that one of them works for the Game Commission. As we walked up to the house, the husband and wife were outside waiting for the kids to stop by. I was wearing my PA Game Commission Deputy Jacket and I introduced myself. We met Jamie and Jade and I found out that it was Jamie, the wife, who worked for the Game Commission. She is the bear biologist for the state….how cool. We swapped a bunch of stories and talked for quite awhile while my son and his family continued on their trick or treating route. They eventually returned for me and we went back to their house. Sadly, I was so engrossed in the conversation, that I neglected to share the Gospel with them…AND, I had Gospel literature in my pocket for just such an occasion! FAIL! That night, I felt conviction as I realized that I never told them about Jesus.

So today after church, I told my son I had to stop at their house and complete my Ambassadorship assignment before heading home. When I got to their house, Jamie was outside and I got to share my faith with her. I gave her a camo covered Gospel of John and a “One Second After You Die…” booklet to read. I included my card and told her to call if she had any questions after reading what I gave her. Now it’s up to the Father!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Divine Appointment

Last night, I went to dinner with my son and his family. He picked a REALLY good barbeque restaurant near his home, and we got a waitress named Savanna to serve us. I asked how we could pray for her and she immediately squatted down and told me about her brother Sean, who had done 2 tours as a Marine Sniper in Afghanistan and was shot in the stomach. He recovered from the wound but was given a medical discharge as he was unable to continue as a combat Marine. He was offered a desk job, but Sean desperately wanted to be back in Afghanistan with his brothers in arms. So Sean declined the position and has been suffering from PTSD and began drinking. He is 30 years old and struggling. We agreed to pray for him, After praying, the thought popped into my heard that I should connect my good friend Charlie (Retired First Sgt from the Corps) and Sean. I was convinced that Charlie could help him, even if it was just via telephone. Charlie agreed to speak with him. I got Sean’s number from Savannah, and gave her a Gospel of John with a nice note written in the front. And it just so happened ☺ that I also had a Camo covered Gospel of John with me. I wrote a note to Sean telling him I’d be praying for him and gave him Charlie’s info so they could connect. Pray that the Lord will use Charlie to help this young Marine find eternal peace with a new relationship with Jesus Christ, and that his life will get on track.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Divine Appointment

I have been trying to sell 2 Harley-Davidson saddlebag liners on Craig’s List, and I received a call from a man named Dan, who lives about 20 miles east of me. We scheduled a time for him to come and look at the saddlebag liners. When he arrived, we had a long conversation about my Indian and he showed me photos of the Harley he had customized. In the course of conversation, I found out that he knows my son-in-law’s Dad (Paul) very well, and in fact, my son-in-law, granddaughter and Paul have hunted behind Dan’s Uncle Dave’s property for many years. In fact, I even went with my son-in-law to help him build a blind in the woods behind Dave’s place several years ago. As the conversation continued, Dan put 2 and 2 together and said that his daughter Taylor and my granddaughter Maya were best friends several years ago. As it turns out, I know his daughter Taylor! So we reminisced about things they had done together, and I had the opportunity to share Christ with Dan. I gave him a Gospel of John to take home and read and he agreed to do that. I pray the Lord will use our time together and the truth of His Word to save Dan and his family. Small world, huh?

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

How the Lord Used us in October 2015

Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

God continues to bless and use our ministry to impact His Kingdom, and we are so blessed to be a small part of His eternal plan. We had one postponement of a MAD Live Event that was scheduled for this month, but we were able to complete the other 6 events that were on the calendar. We praise God that 11 people gave their lives to Christ at this month’s events, out of a total of 307 people who attended. We also attended the Pillar College sponsored “Pastor’s Appreciation Luncheon” in Newark, NJ, where Dr. Robert Jeffress addressed the gathering. I had the opportunity to share a 2 minute “sales pitch” on the MAD Live Event with 100+ Pastors in attendance. These are the people that I rarely can get on the phone or to respond to an email. So it was a blessing to actually be in front of them to share what we do and how God is using it to further His Kingdom. I also brought Pastor Ron (Chairman of the Board of our ministry) so he could speak with fellow Pastors about how the Lord used the MAD Live Event to change his life. Lord willing, this time investment will open doors for bookings in more churches. On a different note, here’s a funny story for you…we were at a break in a MAD Live Event, and the Pastor told me that some of his people had come up to him at the break and told him that he should have warned them to come to the MAD Live Event with steel toe shoes. Apparently some toes were being stepped on. ☺

Here are some testimonies that I received this past month:

“Our oldest daughter, Olivia 14, and I had attended one of your "M.A.D." training classes sometime last winter. That next Monday Olivia was armed with a copy of the Gospel of John from PTL. She wrote a little note on the front cover, like Don had instructed us, and handed it to her bus driver. Well at the start of this year’s school year Olivia's bus driver informed her that he had made a profession of faith in Christ Jesus. As her father I would like to say ‘thank you’! Keep fighting a good fight and always remember that God's word NEVER returns itself void. God bless and keep the both of you safe!”

“Don, I'm glad you made the connection. I was so blessed by your seminar, I would and I will recommend it to anyone. I'm already opening my mouth more often. God sent me a young man tonight who was canvassing my house for a home improvement project. When I asked him where he would spend eternity if he died suddenly today, he had virtually no answer. He had no church background whatsoever. When I quoted John 3:16 he listened intently. Anyway, I gave him a Bible and we are going to meet again when he brings back some info on the home improvement. I would not have done this without attending your seminar, so thank you very much.”


It is time for us to make reservations for lodging for our 2016 Ultimate Adventure trip to Utah. No experience necessary. A short video is on my website if you’d like to check out what we’ll be doing. It is difficult to make lodging decisions when we don’t know how many people are coming and what the mix is: how many couples, how many individual men, individual women, family members etc…and believe it or not, the lodging fills up well in advance. If you have interest in coming, I NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU NOW. Please contact me if interested.


• Nov 1 - Teach combined adult and teen Sunday school classes at Winfree Baptist Church in Midlothian, VA - topic is evangelism

• Nov 4 - Speak at the Lehigh Valley “PPPP” (Pizza, Pepsi, Pastors, Prayer) Monthly gathering

• Nov 7 - MAD Live Event - Murrysville Bible Church, Murrysville, PA

• Nov 8 - MAD Live Event - Life House Church, Carlisle, PA

• Nov 14 - MAD Live Event - Calvary Wesleyan Church, Bethlehem, PA

• Dec 5 - MAD Live Event - Maranatha Family Christian Fellowship, Nazareth, PA

• Dec 6 - Preach at the Alliance Church in Port Allegany, PA

• Dec 12 - Annual Board Meeting of Don Sunshine Ministries


• We are now working on our 2016 calendar and we face the same challenges as always. Please pray for our calendar to fill. Your help with contacts and prayers for next year are truly appreciated!

• For God to us the Mars Hill Radio Network to open many doors of ministry for us

• For the contacts we made at the Pillar College Pastor event to result in bookings to teach

• We ask for continued prayers for good health and safety as we travel and minister, and that hearts will be open to the Holy Spirit’s moving.

Love in Christ,

Cathy and Don

Sunday, October 25, 2015

2 More MAD Live Events completed...more souls added to the Kingdom!

We completed a wonderful weekend of ministry in PA and NY. On Saturday we were in East Smethport, PA doing a MAD Live Event for a small group there. I then traveled to Afton, NY and did another MAD Live Event for over a hundred people at the First Baptist Church. What a great group of people! I was so blessed! We praise the Lord for 7 new followers of Jesus Christ! All glory and honor to Him!!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

MAD Live Event today on Schooley's Mountain, NJ

MAD Live Event #444 is in the books. I was back at our old stomping grounds in Morris County, NJ. We had 80 people attend the event and 2 people gave their lives to Christ! PTL!! I was busy at every break with people asking questions and having discussions. It was a fun group to be with!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Divine Appointment today

A local school district called and asked me to drive this Thursday and Friday mornings for a driver taking a couple of days off. So I would know the route, I was asked to ride with the driver this morning. His name is Steve. As I began the route, I quickly realized that I had already filled in on this route last month. Between runs, Steve would park at a local grocery store parking lot and chat with another driver. In the course of conversation, they asked why I don’t drive mornings and afternoons and I told them that I have a ministry and have to work on that most of the day. They asked what I did and I explained what I teach. We then completed the second part of the run and as we were returning to the transportation garage, I asked him fi he went to church. He said he had been going to the church in Hamburg all of his life and sang in the choir. I asked if his church preached on the plan of salvation. He said, “I don’t know.” Hmmm….I asked if he was born again and he didn’t know. I explained the Gospel to him and asked if I could give him something to read. I gave him two copies of “One Second After You Die” and asked if he would read it and give the other one to his friend when they meet at the grocery store. He agreed.

Had the Transportation Coordinator remembered that I had already done that route, I wouldn’t have had to come in today and I wouldn’t have even met Steve and the other bus driver. Praise the Lord for His sovereignty and for this Divine appointment today. I am adding both drivers to my daily prayer list for salvation.


October 1st marked the beginning of our 8th year as a full time ministry for Christ. PTL! We started the month with a MAD Live Event in Pensville, NJ today. 37 people attended and there appears to be some good prospects for additional live events from the contacts the folks there have. Thanks to Pastor Taylor for allowing me the privilege of coming to share with his flock.

Next weekend, we'll be back in NJ in West Long Branch for a MAD Live Event on the 10th.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Woodstock, CT

I was in Woodstock, CT yesterday presenting the MAD Live Event to the folks at the Woodstock Evangelical Covenant Church. 45 people attended and we praise the Lord for 3 new souls added to the Kingdom.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Prayer Request for tomorrow morning

The MAD Live Event was a recommended to the President of Pillar College in NJ (by the Outreach Pastor at Zarephath Bible Church). The President had a full schedule so I am meeting with the Executive VP of Strategic Alliances tomorrow morning in Newark to discuss the possibility of being able to share my training with the students at both campuses. THIS WOULD BE INCREDIBLE EXPOSURE as these students go to different churches. Please pray for God to use this meeting to convince the powers that be to allow me to come in and teach a session. Thanks!

God at work in Williamsport, PA

Yesterday I was returning from speaking at Lamoka Baptist Camp’s “Teen No Retreat” and stopped for dinner in Williamsport. This is a regular place for us to stop and have dinner when we are traveling through the area, so I know the manager and many of the waitresses by name. Over the years, I have shared the Gospel with many of the ladies and left them Gospel literature and a great tip. Yesterday I had a waitress I had never seen before. Her name was Lisa. I asked if she was new and she said she had been working some day shifts there as the hostess, for the past year and tended bar at night some place else. The management asked her if she’d consider being a server and she agreed to do it every other Saturday. Yesterday was her first day in this position.

As I finished dinner and was waiting for the check, another waitress whom we have known since 1989 saw me and came over to the table to say “hi” and catch up. Her name is Rhonda. She was so excited and asked me if I remembered giving another waitress named Marcy a “One Second After You Die” booklet some time ago. I said I did remember and at that time I also got a chance to share the Gospel with the manager, Fred, and gave him the same booklet. Rhonda told me that Marcy read the booklet and God was working in her heart. She knew that Rhonda was a believer and was asking her all kinds of spiritual questions. Rhonda said that, “Marcy is really seeking God.” She added that Marcy has come to church with Rhonda for the past three weeks! PTL! I also found out that Rhonda’s father is a Baptist Minister. Why that didn’t come up in conversation over the years I don’t know, but I gave her my card and asked her to speak with her Dad about what I do and to check out my website. She agreed. Lord willing, I’ll be sharing the MAD Live Event in that church at some point. Please pray for Marcy’s conversion.

Teen No Retreat at Lamoka Baptist Camp

I had the privilege of being invited to be the speaker at this weekend's "Teen No Retreat" at Lamoka Baptist Camp. There were between 160 and 170 people there. I shared a message and Gospel presentation Friday night and a challenging message today. A number of teens spoke with me in between sessions regarding their relationship with the Lord, and asking questions about how to live for Christ. PTL!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Divine appointment at the gas pump

I was at the gas pump this morning and a man on the other side of the pump watched me pull up on the Indian. As I was filling my tank, he started a conversation about the bike, engines, and the negative effects of ethanol on engines. We ended up in a spiritual discussion and I got to share Christ with Dick.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Divine appointment at the soccer game

This evening I officiated a high school boys varsity soccer scrimmage. When we met the coach of the visiting team before the game, he mentioned that his wife was having brain surgery for cancer. The Holy Spirit worked on me during the game and impressed on me to pray with him for his wife. So after the game and the handshakes, I told him that God was telling me to pray for his wife. He got very excited and said they could use all the prayers they could get. I asked what her name was, laid my hand on his shoulder, and prayed for the Lord to heal Judy, or to use the doctors to heal her. I prayed for wisdom, skill, and guidance for the doctor, and for peace and quick healing for Judy, her husband and the family. He thanked me over and over again and we talked some more. Please keep Judy in your prayers as the Lord brings this story to mind. Thanks.

Monday, August 31, 2015

How the Lord Used us in August of 2015

We had a great month of ministry. We recognize that this is the direct result of our prayer partners bringing this ministry before our God, and Him answering the prayers. Thank you for praying! In fact, we were blessed with 6 MAD Live Events in August, which traditionally has been a month with almost none. God also opened the doors for us to minister for the first time in Michigan this month, and I got to share a Gospel message at the Surfside Services in Ocean Grove again this year. We had many one-on-one Divine appointments with people and were able to share the good news Of Jesus Christ with them. When I was in MA this month, God actually gave me 5 Divine appointments to share my faith in Christ in one day. The details are on the BLOG on my website and our ministry facebook page. We continue to stand in awe of how the Lord is using this ministry to change lives and eternities. 407 people attended the MAD Live Events this month and we praise Him for using the truth presented to bring 16 more people into the Kingdom!

Here are some testimonies that came as a result of the M.A.D. Live Events in August. Praise God!!!

“I was hit right between the eyes today at Connection Church in Canton MI. I never really felt like other people's eternal lives were a responsibility of mine. I was a Christian with a private faith that wasn't shared with those outside my church. I want to begin right away putting the lessons you gave me into practice. Thank you so much for coming to Michigan, Don. You are truly an inspiration. Bless you.”

“Hi Mr. Sunshine, my name is Keagan and I am 11. I was at your program yesterday. And today I had the chance to plant a seed in my Saxophone teacher. I shared my faith with her, and I am going to bring her a pocket gospel. She had questions and the answers were pretty easy for me to answer. She thought it was cool, and said she was gonna talk to her boyfriend about all of this.... Because he is a Christian... I am praying someone waters my seed!”

“I was moved by you immensely. I told all my friends about you and sent a summary of my feelings to about 30 guys I group email and usually bore terribly. I went 23 days in a row telling people about Christ. I would say 4 accepted Christ and 6 rededicated their lives.”

“Don, I want to thank you again for being faithful to the ministry our Lord has given you. I am starting to use more of the tools you have taught us and I am thankful. I had many opportunities to approach family this weekend and family is always the hardest to plant Seed. Mom hit 90, had her celebration on Saturday and then on Sunday the Lord orchestrated a great time of sharing the message with her, the sin that separates us, and the answer to her question " I don't know where I am going" when she passes, thanks be to God, she does now and repeated John 3:16”

If you aren’t familiar with the term “Shemitah”, I would highly recommend you type that into a YouTube window and watch Jonathan Cahn talk about it. You can also order his books, “The Harbinger”, and “The Mystery of the Shemitah”. I also recommend Mark Blitz’s book on the Blood Moons. I believe all of these are also available on DVD. Next month looks like to will be a very interesting month for our country and the world. We’ll have to wait and see what the Lord does.

Some great news…I connected with the Mars Hill Radio Network out of Syracuse, NY to sponsor some programming which will allow us to air 30-second radio spots for our M.A.D. Live Events. They were very excited about the training we do and had received great reports from some of the churches that we’ve been in. Also, they want to partner with us to sponsor 3 MAD Live Events next year (Syracuse, Rochester, & Utica). Praise The Lord! This network features a lot of teaching programs so the audience is made up of folks hungry to learn. These are exactly the pastors and people we want to reach. We will provide details as soon as it is worked out, but please keep this opportunity in your prayers.


• September 6 - Speak at Calvary Baptist Church Annual Church Picnic, Mohnton, PA

• September 11-12 - Display and speak at the Songtime Conference on Cape Cod, MA

• September 18 - 19 - Speak at the Teen Retreat - Lamoka Baptist Camp in Tyrone, NY

• September 26 - MAD Live Event - DeRielle School of Cosmetology, Mechanicsburg, PA

• September 27 - MAD Live Event - Woodstock Evangelical Community Church, Woodstock, CT

• October 3 - MAD Live Event - Frontline Ministries, Elmira, NY

• October 4 - MAD Live Event - Park Bible Baptist Church, Pennsville, NJ

• October 10 - Lutheran Church of the Reformation, West Long Branch, NJ

• October 17 - MAD Live Event - Emmanuel Bible Church, Schooleys Mountain, NJ

• October 18 - MAD Live Event - Alliance Church, Elizabethtown, PA

• October 24 - MAD Live Event - East Smethport United Christian Church, East Smethport, PA

• October 25 - MAD Live Event - First Baptist Church of Afton, Afton, NY


• We are now working on our 2016 calendar and we face the same challenges as always. Please pray for our calendar to fill.

• For God to us the Mars Hill Radio Network to open many doors of ministry for us

• We ask for continued prayers for good health and safety as we travel and minister, and that hearts will be open to the Holy Spirit’s moving.

Love in Christ,

Cathy and Don

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Today's Divine Appointment

I was reading my Bible this morning when I heard a repetitive thumping sound coming up the road. I glanced out the window and saw a car with both passenger tire tires flat driving up the road. I thought, he won’t be going too far like that.

Several hours later I went out to speak with farmers to try to find a place to archery hunt. As I went up the road I saw the same vehicle facing the opposite direction on my street with two people trying to pump up the flat tires. As I had an air compressor in the back of my truck, I pulled over, got out, opened the tailgate of my truck and pulled the air hose out. I filled the rear tire for them and ran out of air in the compressor, as I hadn’t filled it in some time. So I told them I’d be right back, turned my truck around and headed back down the street to my house. I connected an extension cord to the compressor, refilled it, and headed back up to the stranded father and son. I filled the front tire and made sure the back one was full as well. They thanked me profusely and wanted to know if they could buy me some beer to pay me back. I thanked them and said that wouldn’t be necessary, and that I had something for them. The looked at each other kind of puzzled, and I reached into the truck, pulled out a Gosple of John with the plan of salvation in it, and a One Second After You Die booklet. I gave the Gospel to the young man and the other booklet to his Dad. I explained what was in the book and how it could impact where they’d spend eternity. They thanked me for it and I went on with my business. PTL!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Easton, PA MAD Live Event

I completed a MAD Live Event in Easton, PA today. 33 people attended and one man gave his life to Christ! PTL!! We broke for lunch and had the opportunity to pray for our waitress, Mia and shared the Gospel with her.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Praying for our severs in TN

Cathy, our 3 oldest grandkids, and I had dinner out tonight. We had a server named Will and a trainee named Jasmine as our servers. I asked how I could pray for each of them and Will remarked that this was good timing. His 3 year old daughter Allison just went to the hospital with an unknown problem. They thought she might be having heart trouble and her hair is falling out. Tests were being done to determine what was wrong. Jasmine asked me to pray for her and her 3 children as they go through a custody battle. They were both very appreciative of my offer and the prayers. I wrote each of them a note in the "One Second After You Die" booklets, gave them to each of them with our tip. He thanked me several times and as I was leaving, he was showing the Manager the book and reading what I wrote to him. please say a prayer for Allison and for Jasmine.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Amazing...amazing day of ministry in NJ

These are the kind of days of ministry that leave me speechless. I traveled to Zarephath, NJ to do an abbreviated MAD Live Event for the church leadership and outreach people, and Pastor Rob invited anyone interested to attend. I had previously taught the full MAD Live Event here in the beginning of June and they wanted me back.

They hoped for about 50 people to show up, and we were blessed and surprised. The room packed out and was at capacity...standing room only. About 125 or more attended.

I stayed for about 45 minutes afterwards speaking with people with whom the Holy Spirit had worked in their hearts. I saw some men and women in tears during several parts of the event, and many came up afterwards to share how God had convicted them of missed opportunities. They wanted a new start and committed to try to be faithful with the connections that God has lined for them in the future. PTL!

Also, some new doors of ministry may be opening as a result of being here. We'll see what the Lord has planned! Thanks for your prayers!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

First MAD Live Event in Michigan is in the books!

I had a wonderful day sharing the MAD Live Event with the folks at Connection Church in Canton, MI. This was my very first presentation in this state. We had about 175 people stay for the whole thing and I praise God for 12 new followers of Jesus Christ! There were many people lined to talk after the morning service many that I never had a chance to break for lunch. When I finished this afternoon's sessions there were people staying to talk and share how the Lord had spoken to them today. These conversations lasted almost 2 hours after I was done. Praise God for what He did today. I am grateful to have been a part of it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

These came via email this morning

Hello Don, I am Bob and I met you in June at Grace Fellowship Church. I am trying to get you via the Men's Group to come speak to my church at Crossroads in Jersey Shore. We are all on a summer break and no one responds to my texts on this matter. I will get back to you if I can. I was moved by you immensely. I told all my friends about you and sent a summary of my feelings to about 30 guys I group email and usually bore terribly. I went 23 days in a row with telling people about Christ. I would say 4 accepted Christ and 6 rededicated there life. I stopped because I could not fit anymore people in my car. I will need others to be on board at my church to bring you there. Thank you, Don.

We were blessed! Everyone present has received what you taught us and most have begun to put it into practice. At our prayer meeting tonight, Anson was sharing how he was able to use what he learned to reach out to someone he was working with. And Charles mentioned that he's been able to share 2 Gospels of John since Sunday!

Monday, August 3, 2015

MAD Live Event in Everett, MA

I did a MAD Live Event for a small inner city Baptist church in Everett, MA yesterday. The old building had no A/C and it was HOT!!!! I had a long ride home fighting shore traffic on Route 95 arriving home just before midnight. I stopped for dinner in Warwick, RI and had a chance to share the Gospel and pray for a server named Rich. I praise God that one lady at the training was born again!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

5 Divine Appointments today

As I went to leave the hotel this morning at 7 AM, I went to the front office and rang the bell so they would open the door. An Indian lady came and let me in and I noticed a large Buddha statue on the counter of the front desk. I checked out and asked if I could share something with her as someone just got in line behind me. She said, “Sure.” I pulled out a “One Second After You Die” booklet, explained what it was and gave it to her to read. She seemed very grateful and said she would read it.

I then found a place to eat breakfast and got a server named Jonathan. I asked how I could pray for him and he gave me a very general half hearted request. I pressed him a little for something more specific and important to him and he opened up and asked me to pray for his Dad Vincent, who was having some kind of an issue with his brain. Doctors were trying to figure how to treat the problem. I agreed to pray for him and Jonathan put his hand on my shoulder, squeezed it and said, Thank you so much!”

I drove to the church and saw a Lobster Pound Restaurant on the way. Being a lobster is what I really wanted for dinner, I made up my mind to stop there after the training. I set up for the MAD Live Event and equipped 20 more people today. After I finished, I was loading the car in the 90 degree plus heat, and was quite sweaty. I decided to change my dress shirt before leaving. I picked out a “Lancaster County Choppers” T-shirt and put it on. I drove to the Lobster Pound Restaurant at about 3:20 PM – a little early for dinner, but tough…I’m eating now.

I went into the restaurant and a waitress named Oanna from Rumania selected a table for me to sit at. There was only one couple in the restaurant and they were on the other side of the room. As I sat down, the man saw my shirt and asked me if I was from Lancaster County, PA. I told him, “No. I’m from Berks County”. He said he was from Lancaster County and I inquired where. He replied, “Strasburg”. I told him I knew where that was, and asked if he was on vacation. They replied, “Yes, how about you?” I told them I was on the Cape to teach lifestyle evangelism. The conversation continued across the restaurant, and there was a lot of “spiritual” content. He asked me how I got into doing what I do, and I mentioned my police and computer background and he lit up. He and his family have been manufacturing body armor, ballistic shields, holsters and other police gear for years. We talked about police work and his wife commented about the variety of things I had done in my life. I finally asked where they went to church, and they told me that they don’t go to church, but the lady was raised Presbyterian, and he was raised Methodist. They also had some Catholic in their family. So I asked where he thought he would go if he died to today, and he said, “Heaven”. I asked him if he was sure of that and he said that there are many interpretations of the Bible and he believed that he would go to Heaven because he has always lived his life according to the 10 commandments. Bingo! So I asked him how he was doing with that. He said he was doing well, and I asked if I could put that to the test. He agreed. So we did the Way of the Master thing and he recognized that he had broken every one of the commandments. I explained that this is the reason that God sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins. If they surrendered their lives to the Lordship of Christ in repentance and faith, that a supernatural thing will happen to them and they’d be born again. They were closing out their check and I asked if I could get them something to read from the car. The agreed. I brought them a business card and a “One Second After You Die” booklet, explained the content, and told them to call me if they had questions. He said, “Yeah, you’re right up the road. We could get together for dinner and talk sometime.” I agreed.

Then I had a long conversation with Oanna and was able to share Christ with her as well, and of course, I left a great tip.

What a day….5 Divine appointments and two of them would never have happened if I hadn’t put that particular shirt on and stopped at the restaurant at that time. God is amazing, PTL!

Friday, July 31, 2015

Divine appointment on Cape Cod

I am on Cape Cod for a MAD Live Event tomorrow. The pastor of the church I'll be teaching in recommended a casual seafood restaurant for me to have dinner at. I wen to the restaurant and the way it's set up, you order at a counter, pay for your food, and they call your number when the order is up and ready. The main part of the restaurant had someone seated at every table. There' a door on a narrow side hallway that allows people parked behind the restaurant to park in the rear and enter the facility. In that narrow hallway were two tables for two. No one was seated there so I took the table closest to the main dining area of the restaurant, and waited for my number to be called. An older lady sat at the other table for two and she asked me to keep an eye on her two grandchildren (ages 8 and 9(, who insisted they could get all of the food by themselves. I keep an eye on them and updated her as their order were coming out. She asked me if I was from the area and I told her I was from PA. She asked if I was on vacation and I told her that I was on the Cape to teach tomorrow. She asked me what I door! I got up and went over to her table and explained what I would be teaching and gave her the Gospel of John that I had in my packet. This woman was SO grateful for me sharing it with her and I included my phone number if she had questions. She repeatedly thanked me for sharing ti with her and told me she'd think about what I shared. She was truly excited! PTL!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Last day at KB

We finished up our last day at KB, and it was just what we needed for exposure. Many people came by the booth after attending the mini MAD seminar that I did and we got one booking at the table and the likelihood of 4-5 more. I am grateful that after many years, we were able to come and share our ministry. We shared the Gospel with some people who clearly did not know Christ and I look forward to going back next year...Lord willing.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Another great day at Kingdom Bound

Today we had 80+ people attend our seminar at Kingdom Bound. We received lots of positive feedback at the end. A lady came up to me today and told me she was at the seminar yesterday and put what she learned into practice with a man who accidentally "bumped" into her. He was very vocal about his opposition to things of God, but the lady was used of the Lord to change his entire demeanor, and he gave her some things she could pray about with him! So she prayed with him and shared the Gospel. Awesome! PTL!! She told me that she brought her daughters to hear the seminar, and they were almost late getting here, so she told them they would have to run to the pavilion so they wouldn't miss any of it. They did make it on time. I praise the Lord for a number of bookings that will be scheduled soon.

Ron and I also had a nice conversation with a woman who has worked in NY's max security prison for 27 years teaching inmates how to pass the GED exam. After some brief conversation, we both realized she was not a believer, and we shared the Gospel with her, laid hands on her shoulder and prayed for her. Her name is LouAnn.

I look forward to the final day tomorrow. No seminars for me but Lord willing I'll meet some people who can get us into their church. Thanks for your prayers!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Kingdom Bound update

I had a GREAT day at Kingdom Bound today. Initially we had a bad space for our booth but we were able to move it to a better location. Thus, the traffic flow was greatly improved. I had a 15 minute interview with Terese Main from Family Life about the teaching we do this morning. The 1 hour seminar that I did in the afternoon was absolutely packed. Ron was counting the people and gave up after breaking 100. It looked to me like it could have been as many as 200. People were lined up afterwards to ask question and share how God had used the content to impact their lives. We also got a number of great leads for trainings as a result.

I want to thank Ron Woudenberg and Steve Sandle (both Board Members) for coming to help me out at KB. They were a HUGE help. We look forward to tomorrow's seminar and interaction with the people at our booth.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

I'm not born again....I'm a Baptist

Tonight we went out to dinner with our son, daughter-in-law and 2 grandkids. We had a short wait for a table, so my family sat on the benches in the lobby of the restaurant. I sat on one by myself as the other benches were now full. A lady came in with her adult daughter and granddaughter. They were told they'd have a very short wait. They walked over to the bench I was sitting on and I stood up and offered them my seat. The older said, "Thank you, but if I sit down, I won't be able to get back up." I smiled and said I'd beguiled to help her get up. She smiled, thanked me and sat down. A few minutes later the hostess called their name, and as I was standing next to the bench, I reached out and she grasped my hand and I pulled her to her feet. She thanked me and I told her to yell when she wanted to leave the restaurant, and I'd come help her get up (with a smile). She laughed and went with the hostess.

As I sat across the restaurant from her I felt like I needed to share Christ with her. So I got up and went across the restaurant to find them. She saw me coming and smiled. I asked if she had a whistle to blow to get my attention when she wanted to leave. She laughed. I introduced myself and asked if I could share something with her. She said that would be fine. I asked her what she believed spiritually and she told me she was a Baptist. I asked her if she was born again and she said, "No. I am a baptist." !!!!! I handed her a "One Second After You Die" booklet and told her she needed to be a "born again Baptist". I then explained what the booklet was about and offered it to her as a gift if she would read it. She said she definitely would read it and I told her it was nice meeting her and went back to my table.

"I'm not born again....I am a Baptist".....pricelss!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Men's Retreat in Dunlap, TN

We had our first night of the Ewtonville Baptist Men's retreat at Charlie York's in Dunlap, TN tonite. We sang some praises to our God and I shared a message. Tomorrow Charlie will share a spiritual leadership message and I will share one called, "You are what you eat." We are trusting God to work in men's hearts.

My heart's full of praise

This came this morning. Ron called me last night and said there were about 40 testimonies at the campfire (which was held in the building due to rain – they had a video of a campfire playing). If any of the teen wanted to share a testimony of what the Lord did in their lives this week, he made them come up front and give their testimonies with the microphone. He shared quite a few of them with me on the phone. As quiet and seemingly unresponsive these kids were, God was at work, touching hearts, lives and eternities, and I praise Him for allowing me to be a part of it.

Mr. Sunshine,

I just want to thank you so much for the tremendous impact you've had at our campus. I've never been so moved by any other speaker at Lamoka. And the campers have felt it too. At tonight's bonfire there were campers being saved on the spot. As I write this there are still campers giving their life to Christ right outside my window. It's amazing. So many of my camper friends turned their direction eastward toward God this week. It's fantastic what Jesus did through you this week.

You probably don't know me but my name's Alex and I was just a maintenance staffer while you were here. But I was deeply impacted by your sessions and can't wait to hear you speak again. Thanks again.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Praising God for what He did the morning at camp!

I finished the MAD Live Event this morning for the 80 teens plus staff at Lamoka Baptist Camp. I had a number of people come up afterwards and comment how the Lord had used it to impact their lives. Praise the Lord! AND, according to the evaluations we received back 10 CAMPERS GAVE THEIR LIVES TO JESUS CHRIST THIS MORNING! Praise Him again! There's certainly great rejoicing in the presence of angels in Heaven today! Thank you Lord for allowing me to be a part of it!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Be careful what you say to teens

Ron Woudenberg is the Chairman of the Board of our ministry, my Daytona riding buddy, and a dear friend. He and I have always joked that we are “twins”. Understand that I am 3 years older than him and he is 6’5” tall and I am 5’8”. Last night he introduced me to the teens at camp and told them that we were twins, and that I was born 3 years prematurely. Our “Mom” named us similar names because we were twins…Don and Ron. Obviously it was a joke, but you have to be careful what you say to teens. Two teen guys came up to Ron after the chapel service and told him how happy they were that Ron and his twin brother came to share with them. ☺ I guess we’ll have to set the record straight today.

Monday, July 6, 2015

MAD for Teen Week at Lamoka Baptist Camp

Completed first part of the MD Live Event for the high school students at Teen Week at Lamoka Baptist Camp in Tyrone, NY. We have about 130 students and counselors in attendance. Got some good feedback from a number of campers after part 1.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

How the Lord Used Us in June of 2015

Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

We completed 3 MAD Live Events in June. We equipped 139 people to begin making a daily impact for Christ, and we were blessed to see that 8 people gave their lives to Christ at the Live Events. We praise God for using us this month!

I traveled to Horseheads New York and met Pastor Randy and his wife Helen for dinner the night before presenting the MAD live event in their church the next day. We had the opportunity to get a prayer request from our waitress named Tiffany and prayed for her request. At the table adjacent to us, I saw a man and a woman sitting with a young boy in a wheelchair. The young boy had no hair and had many scars across the top of his scalp. As clear as day, the Holy Spirit prompted me to go over and pray for the boy. I went over and introduced myself to them and told them that I was from PA and that the Holy Spirit had told me to pray for the boy. The lady gladly accepted my offer. She is his grandmother and told me that they had their grandson for the weekend and took him out to dinner. I asked the boy what his name was, and he replied “Dakota”. I asked how old he was and he said he was 12 years old. I asked if he was in 5th or 6th grade, and he said he was just finishing 5th grade. I questioned them what as to what he was suffering from. The grandmother mentioned some type of cancer that he had, which they thought was in remission. Something new had cropped up and now he needed to go for more tests. I went to lay my hand on his shoulder to pray and his grandmother quickly grasped his hand and asked him to hold mine, and I grabbed the grandfather’s hand and prayed for him. What came out of my mouth was a very bold prayer asking for healing and salvation. I ended the prayer “in Jesus’ name” and they thanked me. I told them I wanted to get something for Dakota from my car and they said they would wait for it. I came back with a “Bridge” tract and a Gospel of John for them to read. While I was outside, Pastor Randy told the grandparents that they’d be praying for his healing and invited them to church. They were so touched by the experience, that they said they would like to come and visit. Pastor Randy also invited Dakota to a carnival that they would be hosting and told him he would be honored if Dakota came as his special guest. They were excited! After they left, Helen told me that several waitresses who had witnessed what happened came up to the table one at a time and told them that we had impacted their lives by what we did. One waitress said she had worked there for 5 years and had never seen anything happen in the restaurant that was so beautiful and impacted her so much. Praise the Lord! What a great start to a full weekend of ministry!

Home sale update – we had accepted an offer on our home and the inspection was done with no issues. The last piece was the appraisal. Unfortunately, the appraisal came back too low – as the buyers had no down payment and were taking a loan for the full purchase price of the house. They are about $5,000 short of the money they need, so the sale will not happen. Although we are disappointed, we still know that our God is in control.


The trip was cancelled due to a number of factors. First, our daughter-in-law was due to deliver their first son on June 21st. There were some concerns about the health of the baby so they elected to induce her on Friday, the 12th. Saturday at about 2 PM she began to push and 40 minutes later Finley James Sunshine came into the world. He weighed in at 5 pounds 8 ounces and was 18” long. We are grateful to God for answered prayers in regards to the pregnancy, delivery, and health of Mom and baby.

Secondly, a local Pastor friend and his wife were in a serious motorcycle accident on Sunday, June 7th. As a result, Bryan’s wife Lynn went home to be with the Lord and Bryan is in the ICU at Reading Hospital. He has had multiple surgeries and had to have his left leg amputated above the knee. The Memorial Service for Lynn was held on Wednesday, June 17th, and all of the trip participants wanted to be there for the service. We ask for your continued prayers for Pastor Bryan and the families of those involved. The man who hit them had a BAC of .329, and it is his second DUI arrest.

The lodging in TN was pre-paid and the resort has been gracious to us and allowed us to have another set of dates at no additional cost. We are trying to reschedule. We will let you know ASAP! Thanks!


• July 6-8 - Speak at Camp Lamoka Teen Camp Week

• July 10-11 - Speak at Men’s Retreat for Ewtonville Baptist Church, Dunlap, TN

• July 12 - Walk thru the Bible Old Testament seminar - Ewtonville Baptist Church, Dunlap, TN

• July 23-24 - Present a one hour MAD seminar on Thursday and Friday at Kingdom Bound, Darien Lake, NY - we are praying this exposure will help fill the schedule for the Fall and beyond

We are grateful to have the busiest August since we began the ministry.

• August 1 - MAD Live Event - Anglican Church of the Resurrection, Brewster, MA

• August 2 - MAD Live Event - Elm Street Baptist Church, Everett, MA

• August 9 - MAD Live Event - Connection Church - Canton, MI - Our first time in Michigan!

• August 16 - Shortened MAD Live Event for the leadership at Zarephath Bible Church, Zarephath, NJ

• August 18 - Preach at Surfside Services - Ocean Grove, NJ

• August 30 - MAD Live Event - Whitehall Bible Fellowship Church, Whitehall, PA


• ***For our 2015 schedule to fill

• We ask for continued prayers for good health and safety as we travel and minister, and that hearts will be open to the Holy Spirit.

• PRAISE – for the birth of our newest grandson Finley - that he and Mom are healthy

Love in Christ,

Cathy and Don

Monday, June 29, 2015

MAD Live Event completed in TN

I finished part 2 of the MAD Live Event at Victory Baptist Church in Maryville, TN tonight. What an exception this was....about 1/2 of the church (~70 people) showed up on a summer Monday night to learn how to make disciples. PTL!!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Divine appointment with cashier

I just went to the Redner’s Grocery Store to pick up a couple of items. I normally go the the self checkout but I felt like I needed to go to this one particular line where there was a live cashier. When the total came up and the cashier saw that my change was $6.66, she freaked out! Her hands started shaking and she tried several time to reach into the drawer to get my change and she finally apologized and said she was giving me $6.70 change because she was very superstitious and didn’t want to count out $6.66. I told her that there was no reason to be fearful of that number. She wasn’t convinced. Unfortunately, my Gospel literature was in the car…not with me…FAIL! So I went out to the car and returned to the store. She was speaking with the front end manager when I approached her, and she smiled when she saw me. I told her why she didn’t need to be fearful of that number and gave her a “One Second After You Die” booklet to read. I told her if she took to heart what’s in that booklet, she would never have to be fearful again. She smiled and repeatedly said “Thank you!” as she clutched the booklet. As I was leaving she was sharing with the manager what had happened.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Praising God for an amazing weekend of ministry

What a weekend of ministry! We had the incredible experience with Dakota in Texas Roadhouse on Friday night, then 3 people gave their lives to Christ at the Frontline Church in Elmira, NY on Saturday. Today I was at Grace Fellowship in Avis, PA and 5 more people got saved. We trained a total of 70 people this weekend and more than 10% of those in attendance were drawn by the Holy Spirit and born again. Wow! Thank you Lord for allowing me to be used for the Kingdom this weekend.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

MAD Live Event completed in Elmira, NY!

Today I completed a MAD Live Event for the folks at Front line Ministries in Elmira. 27 people attended and I praise God for 3 new Followers of Jesus Christ! One of those who indicated he got saved today was a retired Pastor!!!!!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Divine appointments in Horseheads, NY!

I traveled to Horseheads New York and met a Pastor Randy and his wife Helen for dinner tonight. I will be teaching the MAD live event in their church tomorrow.

We had the opportunity to get a prayer request from our waitress named Tiffany and prayed for her request. At the table adjacent to us, I saw a man and a woman sitting with a young boy in a wheelchair. The young boy had no hair and had many scars across the top of his scalp. As clear as day, the Holy Spirit prompted me to go over and pray for the boy. I went over and introduced myself to them and told them that I was from PA and that the Holy Spirit had told me to pray for the boy. The lady gladly accepted my offer. She is his grandmother and told me that they had their grandson for the weekend and took him out to dinner. I asked the boy what his name was, and he replied “Dakota”. I asked how old he was and he said he was 12 years old. I asked if he was in 5th or 6th grade, and he said he was just finishing 5th grade. I questioned them what as to what he was suffering from. The grandmother mentioned some type of cancer that he had, which they thought was in remission. Something new had cropped up and now he needed to go for more tests. I went to lay my hand on his shoulder to pray and his grandmother quickly grasped his hand and asked him to hold mine, and I grabbed the grandfather’s hand and prayed for him. What came out of my mouth was a very bold prayer asking for healing and salvation. I ended the prayer “in Jesus’ name” and they thanked me. I told them I wanted to get something for Dakota from my car and they said they would wait for it. I came back with a “Bridge” tract and a Gospel of John for them to read. While I was outside, Pastor Randy told the grandparents that they’d be praying for his healing and invited them to church. They were so touched by the experience, that they said they would like to come and visit. Pastor Randy also invited Dakota to a carnival that they would be hosting and told him he would be honored if Dakota came as his special guest. They were excited! After they left, Helen told me that several waitresses who had witnessed what happened came up to the table one at a time and told them that we had impacted their lives by what we did. One waitress said she had worked there for 5 years and had never seen anything that had impacted her so much. Praise the Lord! What a great start to a full weekend of ministry!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Divine Appointment

For the last 3 mornings, I have been riding with a bus driver named Terry. He is a retired police officer and I will be doing his morning run next week for 3 mornings to close out the school year. The police connection was Divine, and God gave me the opportunity to have a 45 minute conversation with him about Christ and the plan of salvation. I also gave him a "One Second After You Die" booklet to read and told him I'd answer any questions he had on it. Another name to be added to my daily prayer list for salvation!

Monday, June 1, 2015

How the Lord Used Us in May of 2015

Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

We completed 5 MAD Live Events in May and we were blessed to see that 14 people indicated on their evaluation forms that they had surrendered their lives to the Lord in repentance and faith. The summer slow months are almost upon us and we continue to work to get commitments for Live Events this fall. Any help from in regards to the schedule would be greatly appreciated!

Here are some testimonies I received this month:

“I went to grocery store and was planning to talk to the lady behind the counter because the cover of the gospel had a red rose on it. But when I arrived a young man was coming out of the store and the Holy Spirit said to give it to him. So is walked up to him and ask if I could ask him a question he said sure. So I asked him if he died tonight where would he go and he said heaven. I ask him why and he said because he was a good person and tries to live a good life. So I asked him if he had a Bible at home he said yes, I asked if he had ever read it he so no so I told him that it says that our righteousness before God is as filthy rags and that only accepting that Jesus died on the cross for us can get anyone into heaven. He thank me said he would read the gospel of John and his Bible.”

“I shared the gospel with a Catholic lady today! Seed planted! I was in a waiting room. She was reading a book on the judgment of America and I ask her about it. She asked if I know about Operation Jade Helm 15, I said yes I do (not a coincidence that I just learned about it Sat., thank you God for orchestrating that). So we talked about the unstable state of our world. And I said, I'm glade that I KNOW I'm going to heaven. Do you know if you are going to Heaven. She said ‘I hope so, I go to mass several times a week’. I said, ‘do you want to know for sure?’ Jesus is the only way, I quoted Eph. 2:8-9 and "I am the way the truth and the life, no man cometh to the Father but thru me. I told her our good works are as filthy rags, and that the Bible says if we break one commandment we break them all. I said heaven is a completely free gift, we just have to accept it. And I left it at that and prayed with her. It felt so good to obey our Father.”

"I went for a doctor's appointment and while waiting there was an elderly gentleman reading a book his wife was with him. I ask was it a good book and he replied yes. I ask if he liked to read and his wife replied he loves to read so I gave him the pocket testament with the cover are you going in the right direction, I advised him he needs to read this, he said thank you as they called him in to see the doctor. When they called me in nurse was very nice and we began to talk while waiting for the doctor. She said she was attending school for physical therapy and was eager to get started in that field. As she was taking my vitals I ask her if anyone had given her flowers today she replied no, so I handed her the pocket testament with the flowers on the cover and advised her that she can have a better life, she had to leave because the doctor was coming in, but he was very excited to get the book said thank you and promised to read it."

On a personal note, after 2 years of advertising our home with For Sale by Owner, we got an acceptable offer this weekend! They wanted to close in 60 days which is impossible for us to do, so we were able to get it pushed out to August 28th. We are now looking for a new home with some more room and praying for the Lord’s guidance and direction. Your additional prayers are appreciated!


We still have room for this June trip. Please contact us ASAP if you’re interested. It is $395 per person and more info is available on our website.


• June 6 – MAD Live Event – Frontline Ministries, Elmira, NY

• June 7 - MAD Live Event - Grace Fellowship Church, Jersey Shore, PA

• June 28 - MAD Live Event - Victory Baptist Church, Maryville, TN

• July 6-8 – Speak at Camp Lamoka Teen Camp Week

• July 10-11 – Speak at Men’s Retreat for Ewtonville Baptist Church, Dunlap, TN

• July 12 – Walk thru the Bible Old Testament seminar - Ewtonville Baptist Church, Dunlap, TN

• July 23-24 – Present a one hour MAD seminar on Thursday and Friday at Kingdom Bound, Darien Lake, NY


We continue to struggle to get our schedule filled for the fall and beyond. We did 221 - 30 second radio spots promoting the MAD Live Event on Word FM’s network. We only received 2 phone calls and no bookings from the money we spent. 3 weeks ago, an email blast went out from Crown College to 546 churches in the mid Atlantic region recommending our MAD Live Event. Surprisingly, we have not received one phone call or email regarding our equipping ministry. We are concerned and determined to press on. I’ll continue to work to get the schedule filled, but we are in need of your help to make it happen. Please commit to pray for the schedule daily and we humbly ask to do whatever you can to get us a conversation with church leadership that you know. THANK YOU!

• ***For our 2015 schedule to fill (see above)

• We ask for continued prayers for good health and safety as we travel and minister, and that hearts will be open to the Holy Spirit.

• That we’d be able to get our home packed up and ready for the move

• That God would guide and direct in our decision making process as to where we should live

Love in Christ,

Cathy and Don

Sunday, May 31, 2015

MAD Live Event in Camden, SC

I drove 630 miles to Camden, SC on Friday to teach a MAD Live Event yesterday. I awoke at 4:30 AM and couldn't go back to sleep before the event. We had a handful of people attend the event and then I drove 630 miles home, arriving safely just after midnight. I stopped for dinner on the way home and got to share the Gospel with a waitress named Lauren and prayed for her. Kind of tired today and hoping the event will open some new doors of ministry for us down the road. Praising God for safety and keeping me awake!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Divine Appointments

Last night Cathy and I went out to try an Italian restaurant that had been recommended to us. We had a waitress named Chanita. I offered to pray for her and she gave me a request. We prayed for her request, and a short time later, she came back to the table and told us that she was very touched by what we did for her. In all the years of being a waitress, no one had ever offered to pray for her. We ended up sharing the Gospel with her and leaving a “One Second After You Die” booklet and a great tip.

I rode with another driver whose name is Kwan. I was going to be doing his morning run while he was having some test done prior to back surgery. I asked him if I could pray for him. He agreed, so I laid hands on him and prayed for his healing and salvation.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Divine appointments and MAD Live Event - Lives changed forever!

Yesterday I spoke with Maran, the Indian man I shared Christ with a couple of weeks ago. He read "One Second After You Die" and asked for more to read. I gave him a Gospel of John and invited him to church. He said "not this weekend", so I will try again. When I left he was in the drivers' room reading the plan of salvation in the front of the Gospel.

Today I did a MAD Live Event in Valley View, PA. We had just over 20 people attend. I praise the Lord that 2 of the people left the training with a new eternal home in Heaven. As I left, a lady was walking a cute little dog that looked a little like our dog. I stopped in the middle of the road and spoke with her about her dog. I showed her a pic of "Buddy" and asked if I could share something with her. She said, "Yes". I pulled out a "One Second After You Die" booklet, explained what it was and she cheerlfully took it saying she would definitely read it. She thanked me and I drove home. God is good!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

MAD Live Event - Zarephath, NJ

I did another MAD Live Event today in Zarephath, NJ. This outreach pastor was one of the few who actually returned my call. We talked and he was so excited about what I shared with him that he wanted to get a training in before the summer. Unfortunately for him, all of the dates he wanted in June were booked so he took today, knowing that he had little promo time and that it conflicted with a men's retreat. 90 men went on the retreat so they were unavailable, we had 31 people attend the Live Event. The people were just incredible and fun to share with. I received loads of great feedback on how the Lord used it to impact lives. Also, 7 people gave their lives to Christ today. Praise God!!!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

MAD Live Event completed in PA

I completed the MAD Live Event today in Lebanon, PA. We had 31 people attend, and the best part was that a lady, very involved in a Christian school came to faith in Christ today!!! On to NJ for tomorrow's Live Event.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Divine Appointment

I was riding with a bus driver named Wendy today, learning her route. We had a layover between school runs and had a nice conversation. The Lord opened the door for me to share my story and the plan of salvation with her. She has virtually no church background although she went to church when she was a little girl. She was going to the hospital today for a 2nd mammogram because the first one she had showed some areas of concern. I asked if I could pray for her before we finished at the Transportation lot, and she agreed. So I prayed for her healing and her salvation and gave her a "One Second After You Die" booklets to read. We will discuss it next week. Praise the Lord!

Friday, May 8, 2015

More Divine Appointments

The other day, while I was at the local school district helping them as they are still facing a shortage of bus drivers, I heard one of the lady drivers just ripping the Bible as a book of fairy tales that no one should believe. I went over, introduced myself and asked if I could ask her a hypothetical question. She agreed. I asked her what the chances would be that she could walk into a library, select 66 books covering a number of different genres, written by 40 different authors of varied backgrounds, over a period of 1,500 years, written in 3 different languages, on 3 different continents, and that these books when assembled together would have a central story line and theme, and that there’d be no contradictions. She said that would be impossible. I then told her that what I just described is the Bible, and that it is in fact a supernatural book that we call The Word of God. I then asked if I could share something with her. She agreed. I gave her a “One Second After You Die” booklet and asked her to read it and let me know what she thought of it. She agreed to do that and I will follow up with her next week.

Today I went in and they had me ride with a new driver (Maran, an Indian who emigrated here 8 years ago) and didn’t know the roads. I acted as his guide for the runs. In the course of conversation, he asked why I wasn’t helping in the afternoon runs. I explained that I could do the mornings because it was before my normal work time. He asked me what I did for a living and I told him that I had a ministry teaching in churches. He asked what I teach and I explained. He got very excited and told me that he liked reading about God. I asked him what he believed about God and he said he believed that there was one God and he created and sustained the universe. (that was good). I asked him if he believed that Jesus was the Son of God, and that He died on cross for our sins, and was raised from the dead. He said he believed that as well. I asked if he knew what God’s plan of salvation is. Maran said he didn’t. So I shared the Gospel with him and he looked at me and said that “God must have brought you to the bus garage to meet me, and I believe that we meet everyone we meet for a reason”. (very insightful….I began to wonder if he had been through a MAD Live Event!). I told him that what he said is exactly what I teach, and that is why we met…because God wants to forgive him of his sins and grant him eternal life in heaven. I invited him to go to church with us next week when we are home. He seemed very interested and asked about the church. He the requested a business card and I gave him one and a “One Second After You Die” booklet. He thanked me over and over again and said he’d read it this weekend. I look forward to catching up with him on Monday.

I also got to pray for a waitress today named Aja and share the Gospel with her. God is good!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Divine surprise

Tonight I went to a local sub shop to get a sandwich for dinner. It is called the “Steak Shack”, and it is located in a shopping center parking lot not far from home (great cheesesteaks!). There was an older lady who arrived just before me. She placed her order at the drive up window, pulled around the building and parked, waiting for her order to be ready. I placed my order at the drive up window pulled around the building, parking next to her. A short time later I looked in my rear view mirror and the lady in the sub shop was waving attempting to get the attention of the lady parked next to me. I called out to her to let her know her sandwich was ready. She attempted to start her car and it wouldn’t start. I went over to see if I could help and her battery was definitely dead. I asked her where she lived and she told me Wernersville on Hill Road where the older folk’s home was. I told her that I lived not far from there and if she wanted, I would be happy to drive her home. She thanked me and said she had AAA and she would eat her sandwich in the car and wait for them. I asked if I could share something with her and she said, “Sure!”. I pulled out a “One Second After You Die” booklet and began to explain the plan of salvation to her. She stopped me and said that it wasn’t necessary as she had already been born again. I asked her what church she went to and she told me “Glad Tidings”. I told her that I had spoken there before and she said, “Yes. You’re Don Sunshine”. Wow. That was a surprise. I asked if she needed anything else and she assured me she was fine, so I left. Small world.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Divine Appointment

Today we had to run an errand and Cathy suggested having breakfast out. We stopped at a local iHop and had a server from India named Raja. I did our normal routine and told him that we always asked God to bless our meal and we always prayed for our server. God had chosen him to be our server and I asked how we could pray for him today. He gave me a simple request and Cathy and I asked God to bless our meal and we brought Raja’s request before the Lord. We also asked the Lord to use the literature we’d be leaving to draw Raja to Himself and that he’d be saved.

A short time later Raja returned to our table and asked me why I offered to pray for him. I explained that we do it every time we go out to eat. I asked him what he believed, and he gave me a very general philosophical answer. I asked him what the source of his beliefs were and how did he know his source(s) were true. He didn’t have a good answer for that, but said it was a ”feeling” that he had having been born and raised in India with so many different religions to be exposed to. I simply shared the Gospel with him and told him that I was leaving him a Gospel of John to read. I then gave him a “One second after you die” booklet, and explained what is in it. He thanked me for it and put it in his apron. I told him that my contact info was in the gospel and if he had any questions, to please call me. He said he would. PTL!!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Divine appointment today

Friday I was blessed to be able to share the Gospel with 4 people. Yesterday there were two. Today I went for a motorcycle ride with my friend John. Of course, John had an ice cream stop planned. I was sitting at a picnic table with my back to the Indian and a guy walked over, looked at the motorcycle and commented how beautiful the bike is. He asked if I minded telling him how much it cost. I got up and had a nice discussion with him about the Indian and its features. He and his wife were riding a H-D. After the motorcycle conversation was at end, I asked if I could share something with him. I reached into my saddle bag and pulled out a Gospel of John with the plan of salvation in it and explained it to him. He said that he has a tough life physically...a heart attack that resulted in him coding 3 times before they brought him back. He shattered a disk in his spine and had to have it replaced with a synthetic one. He showed me the scar on the front of his neck where they went on to fix it. Now he has to go in for hip surgery! I asked if I could pray for him and he said, "YES....PLEASE DO!" I laid hands on him and prayed for his healing and a quick return to some type of a normal life. After finishing the prayer, I commented that God spared him when he coded so he could meet me today, because God really wants Chris and his wife Kelly in Heaven with Him. He said he believes that and thanked me for praying for him and sharing the Gospel with him. God is good!

Monday, April 27, 2015

How the Lord Used us in April 2015

Greetings in the name of Jesus! Are you watching what's happening to our world as sin consumes everything in its path? Even though every day it seems like the world is getting more crazy, the good news is that as each day passes, we are one day closer to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ's for His bride! I am praying that He comes soon! As we are in the final days in the world as we know it, I shouldn't be surprised that fewer and fewer churches are interested in equipping their people to do what Jesus commanded His followers to do - make disciples of all nations, For years I have been saying that it is getting harder and harder to get into churches to help equip the people to begin sharing their faith in Christ. I have never made so many phone calls with so little success. But I know God is sovereign and in control! I praise Him even as we struggle to make a larger impact for eternity. We covet your prayers, financial support, and partnership as we seek to do what the Lord has called us to do for His glory! Thanks for your support. Keep praying and looking up! Come quickly Lord Jesus! ------ We praise the Lord for the completion of another month of ministry. In April, here’s what the Lord let us do: • 3 MAD Live Events • Spoke at 1 Men’s Lenten Breakfast in CT • Shared the Gospel at 2 Group Bike Blessings • Completed 1 Walk thru the Bible Old Testament seminar We praise God for using us to lead 9 new people to faith in Christ this month, and we worked hard on being faithful to plant and water seeds as God gave us the opportunities. My brother in the Lord and dear friend Charlie wrote this email to some Christian Business contacts in hopes of opening some doors of ministry for us in their churches. Thank you Charlie! “One of the reasons I love to share my faith with the lost is certainly because of the gift that God has given me, but also because of Don Sunshine. Don Sunshine has become a great friend of mine and has taught me (and many others), how to share their faith without fear. I have not only experienced Don’s teaching on 7 different occasions (SC, NY, TN, FL) but I have also traveled with him in his ministry in effort to share the Gospel with the lost. Don’s MAD (Make A Difference) Training will teach, equip and challenge all who are present (young and old) to become a true Ambassador for Jesus Christ! I have only been here for a year and a half (as you know), and I could not wait to approach our Pastor and Deacon’s about Don. Within in a year here was here and after his teaching, all present were greatly impacted and more than one person said to me “know I know why God sent you to our church…to bring Don Sunshine to us”. I certainly believe that God brought me here for other reasons….but bringing Don here continues to impact them. He’s already coming back again on July 12th for a Walk Thru the Bible teaching…and all are excited to see him again! I hope I have made my point, I encourage you to check out his website, the testimonies, and pray that you ask your church leadership team to invite Don to your church. I promise you – it will be one of the most impactful teachings you will have heard ….and by the way, he has a great sense of humor and therefore makes it fun too. It is truly amazing how God uses him. I would be more than happy to share more with you and / or your church leadership team if needed.” One testimony from one of the men who attended the Men’s Lenten Breakfast that I spoke at in CT: “Thank you for the message on Saturday at the men's breakfast in CT. I've been attending that for a few years now and I've been praying for the Gospel to be preached instead of feeding the sheep fluff. It's exactly what the group needed to hear. Thanks again and I will be praying for your ministry.” SMOKY MOUNTAINS MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURE We still have room for this June trip. Please contact us ASAP if you’re interested. It is $395 per person and more info is available on our website. MAY AND JUNE SCHEDULE • May 2 - MAD Live Event - Hand in Hand Church, Elmira, NY • May 16 - MAD Live Event - Mt. Zion Road Church of the Brethren, Lebanon, PA • May 23 - MAD Live Event - Calvary Chapel E.F.C., Hegins, PA • May 30 - MAD Live Event - SBC - Host church location TBD, Camden, SC • June 7 - MAD Live Event - Grace Fellowship Church, Jersey Shore, PA • June 28 - MAD Live Event - Victory Baptist Church, Maryville, TN This just “made my day”. I called a Pastor in NY a couple of weeks ago and we talked about the M.A.D. Live Event. He said he would check the website and that I could call him back. So today was the day. I called him back and he said he looked at the website and it really got him excited! In fact, it excited him so much that he was motivated to call an evangelist that he has used in the past, and ask him to come to his church to teach his people how to share their faith! Ugggh….welcome to my world. God has blessed us. Your faithful prayer and financial support make the ministry bookings and schedule possible. THANK YOU for your support. PRAYER REQUESTS I spent countless hours on the phone this month working through the 600+ pastors’ names that have been give to me as referrals from the MAD Live Event. We thank the Lord for a few connections, and we hope that these will lead to fall bookings. I will continue to call until we have gone all the way through the list and then we will start over. For us to fill our schedule, we need your help and prayers more than ever. It seems churches are not interested in equipping their people to share Christ effectively; sad, but most likely a sign of our times. Keep praying! • ***For our 2015 schedule to fill (see above) • We completed 3 months of 30 second radio spots for the MAD Live Event on Word FM. 136 spots were done during “drive time” over the 3 months. Sadly, we’ve only received two phone calls from them, and although we are very disappointed with the results, we hope that these two will lead to new bookings. • An email blast will be going out this week from the Founder and President of Crown College of the Bible to over 500 churches in the Mid-Atlantic area. PLEASE pray that the email results in calls to schedule trainings. • We ask for continued prayers for good health and safety as we travel and minister, and that hearts will be open to the Holy Spirit. Love in Christ, Cathy and Don