Thursday, June 25, 2015

Divine appointment with cashier

I just went to the Redner’s Grocery Store to pick up a couple of items. I normally go the the self checkout but I felt like I needed to go to this one particular line where there was a live cashier. When the total came up and the cashier saw that my change was $6.66, she freaked out! Her hands started shaking and she tried several time to reach into the drawer to get my change and she finally apologized and said she was giving me $6.70 change because she was very superstitious and didn’t want to count out $6.66. I told her that there was no reason to be fearful of that number. She wasn’t convinced. Unfortunately, my Gospel literature was in the car…not with me…FAIL! So I went out to the car and returned to the store. She was speaking with the front end manager when I approached her, and she smiled when she saw me. I told her why she didn’t need to be fearful of that number and gave her a “One Second After You Die” booklet to read. I told her if she took to heart what’s in that booklet, she would never have to be fearful again. She smiled and repeatedly said “Thank you!” as she clutched the booklet. As I was leaving she was sharing with the manager what had happened.

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