We completed 5 MAD Live Events in May and we were blessed to see that 14 people indicated on their evaluation forms that they had surrendered their lives to the Lord in repentance and faith. The summer slow months are almost upon us and we continue to work to get commitments for Live Events this fall. Any help from in regards to the schedule would be greatly appreciated!
Here are some testimonies I received this month:
“I went to grocery store and was planning to talk to the lady behind the counter because the cover of the gospel had a red rose on it. But when I arrived a young man was coming out of the store and the Holy Spirit said to give it to him. So is walked up to him and ask if I could ask him a question he said sure. So I asked him if he died tonight where would he go and he said heaven. I ask him why and he said because he was a good person and tries to live a good life. So I asked him if he had a Bible at home he said yes, I asked if he had ever read it he so no so I told him that it says that our righteousness before God is as filthy rags and that only accepting that Jesus died on the cross for us can get anyone into heaven. He thank me said he would read the gospel of John and his Bible.”
“I shared the gospel with a Catholic lady today! Seed planted! I was in a waiting room. She was reading a book on the judgment of America and I ask her about it. She asked if I know about Operation Jade Helm 15, I said yes I do (not a coincidence that I just learned about it Sat., thank you God for orchestrating that). So we talked about the unstable state of our world. And I said, I'm glade that I KNOW I'm going to heaven. Do you know if you are going to Heaven. She said ‘I hope so, I go to mass several times a week’. I said, ‘do you want to know for sure?’ Jesus is the only way, I quoted Eph. 2:8-9 and "I am the way the truth and the life, no man cometh to the Father but thru me. I told her our good works are as filthy rags, and that the Bible says if we break one commandment we break them all. I said heaven is a completely free gift, we just have to accept it. And I left it at that and prayed with her. It felt so good to obey our Father.”
"I went for a doctor's appointment and while waiting there was an elderly gentleman reading a book his wife was with him. I ask was it a good book and he replied yes. I ask if he liked to read and his wife replied he loves to read so I gave him the pocket testament with the cover are you going in the right direction, I advised him he needs to read this, he said thank you as they called him in to see the doctor. When they called me in nurse was very nice and we began to talk while waiting for the doctor. She said she was attending school for physical therapy and was eager to get started in that field. As she was taking my vitals I ask her if anyone had given her flowers today she replied no, so I handed her the pocket testament with the flowers on the cover and advised her that she can have a better life, she had to leave because the doctor was coming in, but he was very excited to get the book said thank you and promised to read it."
On a personal note, after 2 years of advertising our home with For Sale by Owner, we got an acceptable offer this weekend! They wanted to close in 60 days which is impossible for us to do, so we were able to get it pushed out to August 28th. We are now looking for a new home with some more room and praying for the Lord’s guidance and direction. Your additional prayers are appreciated!
We still have room for this June trip. Please contact us ASAP if you’re interested. It is $395 per person and more info is available on our website.
• June 6 – MAD Live Event – Frontline Ministries, Elmira, NY
• June 7 - MAD Live Event - Grace Fellowship Church, Jersey Shore, PA
• June 28 - MAD Live Event - Victory Baptist Church, Maryville, TN
• July 6-8 – Speak at Camp Lamoka Teen Camp Week
• July 10-11 – Speak at Men’s Retreat for Ewtonville Baptist Church, Dunlap, TN
• July 12 – Walk thru the Bible Old Testament seminar - Ewtonville Baptist Church, Dunlap, TN
• July 23-24 – Present a one hour MAD seminar on Thursday and Friday at Kingdom Bound, Darien Lake, NY
We continue to struggle to get our schedule filled for the fall and beyond. We did 221 - 30 second radio spots promoting the MAD Live Event on Word FM’s network. We only received 2 phone calls and no bookings from the money we spent. 3 weeks ago, an email blast went out from Crown College to 546 churches in the mid Atlantic region recommending our MAD Live Event. Surprisingly, we have not received one phone call or email regarding our equipping ministry. We are concerned and determined to press on. I’ll continue to work to get the schedule filled, but we are in need of your help to make it happen. Please commit to pray for the schedule daily and we humbly ask to do whatever you can to get us a conversation with church leadership that you know. THANK YOU!
• ***For our 2015 schedule to fill (see above)
• We ask for continued prayers for good health and safety as we travel and minister, and that hearts will be open to the Holy Spirit.
• That we’d be able to get our home packed up and ready for the move
• That God would guide and direct in our decision making process as to where we should live
Love in Christ,
Cathy and Don
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