Friday, December 9, 2016

End of Year Report - Much to praise God for!

End of Year Report - December of 2016

Merry Christmas!

We thank God and praise Him for His blessings on our work for Christ this year. We completed a total of 39 M.A.D. Live Events, equipping about 2,100 people to begin sharing their faith in Christ every day as a lifestyle. At these events, we were also blessed to see 114 people indicate that they had surrendered their lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in repentance and faith! At other speaking events, another 6 people gave their lives to Christ. All glory to God!!

We recruited approximately 600 people to join the Pocket Testament League, and just over 19,000 Gospels of John have been ordered this year by all of the 6900 members we have recruited thus far. Lord willing the sharing of these Gospels with people will lead many to salvation.

Here are some of the other ways the Lord used us this year:

Pulpit supply - 5 times

Christian School Chapel Speaker - 1 time

Walk thru the Bible Old Testament seminar - 1

Breakfast/retreat speaker - 4 times

Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Conference Speaker - 2 times

SBC Association Annual Convention Speaker - 1 Time

Lehigh Valley Care Net 35th Annual Gala Fundraiser Keynote Speaker - 1 time


Lord willing, sometime in early 2017, the MAD Live Event will be translated into Spanish and we have a brother in the Lord who’ll be teaching it in Spanish speaking churches! This is a new door of ministry the Lord is opening up so our Spanish speaking brothers and sisters can now be trained to share their faith in Christ every day. PRAISE GOD! Please be praying that all the pieces come together and this will happen!


Since we began doing this ministry full time in October of 2008, we have been blessed to have a financial supporter who has invested in our ministry faithfully every month. He is also our largest monthly supporter. Recently he advised us that he will no longer be able to support us beginning in January of 2017. His reason was the best reason of all - he is closing his business as God has called him to the mission field! How awesome is that? This very generous man was concerned about how this would impact our ministry for Christ. I assured him that God knew this was going to happen and He would provide. The loss of his monthly support (as large as it is) would be a “blip“ on the support radar. Would prayerfully consider 2 things?

1 - Would you consider a year-end financial gift to support our ongoing work?

2 - Would you consider financially supporting us on a monthly basis? Any regular amount would be a huge blessing to us. Than you for prayerfully considering this!


We have 8 people confirmed for the 2017 trip and we need several more. If you are interested, please check out the video and flyer on our website and contact me ASAP! Thanks!


• Jan 7 - MAD Live Event - Long Beach Church of the Nazarene, Long Beach, CA

• Jan 14 - MAD Live Event - Trinity of Fairview, Fletcher, NC - with 106.9 The Light

• Jan 21 - MAD Live Event - Calvary Chapel of Knoxville, Knoxville, TN - with 106.7 The Light

• Jan 22 - MAD Live Event - Trinity Baptist Church, Jonesborough, TN

• Jan 28 - MAD Live Event - Mountain Catawba Missionary Baptist Association, Sherrills Ford, NC

• Feb 2 - MAD Live Event for full time Pastors in the SBC Chilhowee Association – Alcoa, TN area

• Feb 2 - MAD Live Event for the part time Pastors in the SBC Chilhowee Association – Alcoa, TN area

• Feb 11 - Walk thru the Bible Old Testament seminar - Bethesda Full Gospel Tabernacle, Tonawanda, NY

• Feb 18 - MAD Live Event - Vonore Baptist Church, Vonore, TN

• Feb 19 - MAD Live Event - Christ Alive Church, Newton, NC

• Feb 25 - MAD Live Event - First United Methodist Church, Cherryville, NC

• Mar 11 - MAD Live Event - Living Stone Church, St. Augustine, FL

• Mar 11 - 18 – Daytona Bike Week

• Mar 12- MAD Live Event - Sr. Andrew’s Evangelical Church, Columbia, SC

• Mar 24-26 - Men’s Retreat, Shamong, NJ

• Mar 31 - MAD Live Event – Valley Forge Baptist Academy, Valley Forge, PA


Thank you for your continued prayers regarding our schedule. As you can see, God is at work answering them! There are some incredible doors being opened. Please pray for the requests below:

• For continued healing for Cathy and me. It’s been 4 months since the surgery and I am still in pain.

• Our first MAD Live Event in CA will happen on January 7th. Please keep this event and travel in your prayers.

• I will be doing the MAD Live Event for 79 SBC Pastors in TN on February 2nd. This could open the doors for us to teach in each of these churches.

• Pray for our schedule. We continue to work to fill 2017!

Love in Christ,

Cathy and Don

Friday, December 2, 2016

Divine Appointment

I arrived at our hotel before our Annual meeting tomorrow. After unloading the luggage cart I headed to the elevator. A lady got off the elevator just before I reached it and was walking sown the hallway in the same direction I was headed. She had a limp, was walking with a cane, was dragging a rolling suitcase and carrying another bag. I entered the elevator and returned the luggage cart to the lobby. As the elevator doors opened at my floor she was walking past the elevator going in the opposite direction. I commented that I had just seen her walking in the other direction. She then asked if room 327 was in the new direction she was walking and I said, “Yes”! I asked if I could help her carry her bags and she gratefully said, YES”!. I took the rolling suitcase and the bag she was carrying and we walked down the hall. S he said she had just arrived after a 10 hour drive from IL and I told here we had just arrived after a 9 hour drive from TN. We talked a little more and she unlocked the door to her room. I brought the luggage in and set it down. She thanked me again and I left. I had give out the one Gospel I had in my pocket earlier at dinner, but I had more literature in my room. So I retrieved a “One Second After You Die” booklet and returned to her room. I knocked at the door, she answered it and I asked if I could share something with her that had changed my life and eternity. She excitedly agreed and I explained what the booklet was about and asked if she would accept it and read it. She smiled and said, “Yes! This is probably exactly what I need to read after the trip from ‘H’ ‘E’ “Double hockey sticks’. We smiled and sai goodbye. It’s all about God’s timing. It was perfect!

Monday, November 21, 2016

How The Lord Used Us In November of 2016

Hello Partners in Ministry:

First let us wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for and at this time of year, it’s a great time to take stock of the countless blessings our God has showered upon us. We are a blessed people! Let’s remember to thank Him for all He has done and provided, and especially for the gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. Cathy and I are looking forward to spending Thanksgiving with our son and his family. We haven’t seen them in 5 months so it will be a special time.

November typically closes out our year of trainings due to the onset of the holiday season. So things begin to slow down booking-wise. In November I was asked to preach at 2 Sunday services and we completed 2 MAD Live Events. Also, I was blessed to do a Facebook Live mini training on the topic of the fears that keep us from sharing our faith. I spoke for just over 16 minutes and it has been viewed by about 3,200 people so far! Praise God! Please pray that this exposure will open doors of ministry for us to fill our schedule in 2017. We also praise God for allowing us to be a part of leading 7 people to faith in Jesus Christ this month!

Here’s a MAD Grad testimony to encourage you and praise God for:

“God Bless you. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. I must tell you, since you came to Florida both Gary and I have been opening our mouth much more and almost everyone who comes through our dive shop gets one of the dive deeper books (signed by me). I cannot begin to tell you how much that rainy day meant to me.”

Here’s one of my Divine appointments from this month: “This morning I returned my rental car and was driven home by a nice young man named JP. I had some spiritual conversations with him before but this time we got down to the “guts” of the Gospel. In the course of conversation he told me that he had prayed a prayer twice, and thought he was a Christian, but he had never repented. He had some doubts about the Bible after watching some “documentaries” on cable stations. It didn’t help that he had a Muslim roommate who also beat up on the Bible. I shared with him how he could be confident that the Bible is the Word of God, a supernatural book, and explained the plan of salvation to him. I also asked if I could pray for him and he let me lay my hand on his shoulder and pray for his salvation. JP told me that he wanted to pick me up the next time I needed a ride so we could talk some more. That will be Thursday. I gave him 2 booklets to read and he indicated he wants to come to the Bible study that I plan on doing. Praise God! I have a little mission field with most of the Enterprise staff here!”


Why not take the trip of a lifetime with us to Utah in 2017? Individuals, couples, fathers/sons, mothers/daughters…whatever combination! We have 6 people confirmed thus far. We need another 6 to do the trip. Please contact me if you have interest. No experience is necessary!


• Dec 3 - Annual Don Sunshine Ministries Board Meeting, Williamsport, PA

• Jan 7 - MAD Live Event - Long Beach Church of the Nazarene, Long Beach, CA

• Jan 14 - MAD Live Event - Trinity of Fairview, Fletcher, NC - with 106.9 The Light

• Jan 21 - MAD Live Event - Calvary Chapel of Knoxville, Knoxville, TN - with 106.7 The Light

• Jan 22 - MAD Live Event - Trinity Baptist Church, Jonesborough, TN

• Jan 28 - MAD Live Event - Mountain Catawba Missionary Baptist Association, Sherrills Ford, NC

• Feb 2 - MAD Live Event for full time Pastors in the SBC Chilhowee Association - Alcoa, TN area

• Feb 2 - MAD Live Event for the part time Pastors in the SBC Chilhowee Association - Alcoa, TN area

• Feb 11 - Walk thru the Bible Old Testament seminar - Bethesda Full Gospel Tabernacle, Tonawanda, NY

• Feb 18 - MAD Live Event - Vonore Baptist Church, Vonore, TN

• Feb 19 - MAD Live Event - Christ Alive Church, Newton, NC

• Feb 25 - MAD Live Event - First United Methodist Church, Cherryville, NC


Thank you for your continued prayers regarding our schedule. As you can see, God is at work answering them! There are some incredible doors being opened. Please pray for the requests below:

• That God will use the thousands of views of the Pocket Testament League’s Facebook Live Event with me to open MANY doors of ministry for us in 2017 and beyond.

• For wisdom and guidance as we have our annual Board Meeting December 3rd.

• For continued healing of my left knee and in addition, my right leg. I have been having pain in the right leg, caused by limping and favoring the left leg for 6 months. The pain has been in the socket and down into the quadriceps muscle. I have a difficult time standing or walking for any period of time because of the pain.

• Cathy has been having pain in both feet. Please pray for healing for her as well.

• For God’s wisdom and guidance as we need to create some contracts for people who may be helping with the ministry. We want to protect the intellectual properties of the ministry and every person involved. See below:

o For the Lord’s Guidance as we have someone who wants to teach the MAD Live Event in Spanish speaking churches.

o For a great turn out for our first MAD event on the west coast. The MAD training we’re doing on January 7th is supposed to have representation from 65 Nazarene churches. Doors could be opening up for many MAD Live Events to be done in California.

o I will be doing the MAD Live Event for 79 SBC Pastors in TN on February 2nd. This could open the doors for us to teach in each of these churches.

• For our schedule. We continue to work to fill 2017!

Love in Christ,

Cathy and Don

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Last MAD Live Event of 2016

Today was my last MAD Event of 2016. I was blessed to be doing it right in my hometown of Jonesborough. We had 63 people attend and 2 people gave their lives to Christ! Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Misplaced calf leads to sharing Christ

Today I dropped a bunch of flattened boxes off at the local dump. I took the backroads from there to Best Buy to pick up Cathy's desktop computer. On the way I saw a young black angus calf on the shoulder of the road next to a barbed wire fenced in area. I was concerned the little guy would wonder into the road and get filet'd. So I turned the car around and went back. He didn't care for my presence and he was wondering around the fenced in area trying to find a way back inside. I stopped at the house above the cattle and no one answered the door. The driveway to the house was shared by a home way up the hill. So I drove up there and knocked at the door. A lady named Debbie came to the door and I asked if she had anything to do with the cattle at the bottom of her driveway. She said, "Yes!" I told her what I had seen and she got in her car and hurried down the hill. Her Mom pulled into the driveway as she got out of the car and started walking towards the cattle. They quickly moved away from her and the little guys somehow got under the single strand of electrified barbed wire and went back inside the fence in area. Debbie and her Mom thanked me over and over for taking the time to stop and let them know what was happening with the calf. I asked if I could share something with them and they agreed. I gave each of them a Gospel of John with the plan of salvation in the front, shared Christ with them and the agreed to read it.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Ministry in our backyard

I was honored to bring the message last night at the Lighthouse Missionary Baptist Church in Jonesborough. I met a number of loving, wonderful brothers and sisters in the Lord there. I will be there next Sunday doing the final MAD Live Event of 2016. I am looking forward to sharing what God has taught me over th years.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Ministry in Columbia, SC this weekend

I had a wonderful time doing the MAD Live Event for the folks at The Harvest in Columbia, SC on Saturday. 50 people attended. Pastor Aaron and the congregation were so loving, supportive, and responsive. They were a huge blessing to me. We praise the Lord for 5 new followers of Jesus Christ! I was also blessed to preach on Sunday morning.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

2 Divine Appointments Today

This morning I returned my rental car and was driven home by a nice young man named JP. I had some spiritual conversations with him before but this time we got down to the “guts” of the Gospel. In the course of conversation he told me that he had prayed a prayer twice, and thought he was a Christian, but he had never repented. He had some doubts about the Bible after watching some “documentaries” on cable stations. It didn’t help that he had a Muslim roommate who also beat up on the Bible. I shared with him how he could be confident that the Bible is the Word of God, a supernatural book, and explained the plan of salvation to him. I also asked if I could pray for him and he let me lay my hand on his shoulder and pray for his salvation. JP told me that he wanted to pick me up the next time I needed a ride so we could talk some more. That will be Thursday. I gave him 2 booklets to read and he indicated he wants to come to the Bible study that I plan on doing. Praise God! I have a little mission field with most of the Enterprise staff here!

This evening I went to Buffalo Wild Wings in Johnson City to pick up some dinner to go. Tuesday is half price day on wings. About 7 young ladies were standing around the register. They were all waitresses. One of them engaged me in a conversation and asked how my Halloween was and I replied, “Not great”. She asked, “Why?” I told her that I was returning from a long trip to Rochester and Buffalo, NY. Her name was Erica and she asked what I was doing up there. I told her that I spoke at a men’s conference on Saturday and taught in a church in Lockport on Sunday. Erica asked me what I taught and I told her, “Lifestyle Evangelism”. She said, “I’m from upstate NY!” I asked, “Where?” She said, “Alfred”. I told her that I knew exactly where that was because I lived in the Finger Lakes and worked for Family Life. She got all excited and told me that she had listened to the station from time to time. I asked where she went to church. She told me that she went to Alfred Almond Bible Church because Pastor Prince’s daughter and her shared the same birthday and were best friends. I told her that I had taught my evangelism training in Pastor Prince's church 9 years ago. I asked how she got to TN. She told me her Dad moved here 3 years ago for work and she is now a freshman at ETSU. I asked where she goes to church now and she told me she doesn’t go at all. I asked her why and she said she heard a guest speaker at Alfred Almond Bible Church who said something that she didn’t like. Basically he just said that anyone who didn’t “believe like he believed” was wrong. I told her that I was confident he was preaching from the Bible and what he was saying was absolute truth. I asked if she was born again and she said, “no”. I asked her why not and she didn’t know why. I asked if I could share something with her and she excitedly said, “Sure!” I pulled a Gospel of John out of my pocket and shared Christ with her. I asked her to read it and she said she would. I gave her my card and emphatically told her that iof she had any questions, she should call me. She agreed. I guess I’ll be going back to Buffalo Wild Wings again soon to follow up.

October Ministry Report

How The Lord Used Us In October of 2016

Hello Partners in Ministry:

Thank you for your prayers and financial support that allows us the privilege of serving Christ full time. Our God is at work and our prayers have been answered as we had an incredible month of ministry. Here’s what our Lord allowed us to do:

• Completed 7 MAD Live Events

• Preached 5 times this month

• Spoke to 168 men at 1 Iron Sharpens Iron Conference in Rochester, NY

• Spoke at the SBC Chilhowee Association’s Annual Convention in Maryville, TN

The Holy Spirit worked in people’s hearts and we were blessed to see 18 people come to faith in Christ in October!

On a personal note, I was released from Physical Therapy on October 18th. I still need to do therapy as the knee is still not 100%, but I won’t have to do it at the therapist’s facility at a cost of $308/week. I can do the exercises on my own. Please continue to pray for healing. Details are listed below in the prayer requests section of our report.

A couple of MAD Grad testimonies to encourage you and praise God for:

“Today, I was able to share my first Pocket New Testament tract. I have a very good Christian friend who is the primary artist for one of DC Comics main comic books. Because he’s my friend, I try to buy all his stuff…support your friends! Anyway, I’ve been visiting a comic book shop in Elmira, NY for well over a year now. Over the time, I’ve become casual friends with the shop owner. Today was one of the rare times when no one else was in the store and I was able to talk to him about what he believes. He immediately started to cry and talked about his upbringing in a Wesleyan church but he confessed he knows he is away from the Lord. We talked for 15-20 minutes and then some folks started entering the store (it’s a busy place). I explained the gospel to him, which he was at least familiar with, and asked him if I could pray with him. He was glad to and wanted to walk out to my car outside. We went outside, I prayed with him, and gave him one of the Pocket New Testaments…one with a cover about “where is my life going?” which is something he’s struggling with right now. He hugged me…twice!...and expressed his thanks. I’m not sure what God is doing in this man’s life, but I know that God is working in this man’s life. I am incredibly thankful for this opportunity today, for this resource, and for your training a couple of weekends ago. Thank you, Don. This is lifestyle evangelism and I want to live the rest of my life like this. Praise the Lord!”

“Hi Don, hope you are well. Sure hope to see you again soon, so much to praise the Lord over. Don, I cant thank you enough for your ministry. It has helped me soooo much to share the Gospel with confidence along with the tracts. I am using them in the prison now and God continues to open more doors for us to witness to. Lets plan an evangelizing ride soon! :)”


• Nov 5 - MAD Live Event - The Harvest, Columbia, SC

• Nov 6 - Preach at both AM Worship Services - The Harvest, Columbia, SC

• Nov 13 - Preach at evening service - Lighthouse Missionary Baptist Church, Jonesborough, TN

• Nov 20 - MAD Live Event - Lighthouse Missionary Baptist Church, Jonesborough, TN

• Dec 3 - Annual Don Sunshine Ministries Board Meeting (tentative)

• Jan 7 - MAD Live Event - Long Beach Church of the Nazarene, Long Beach, CA

• Jan 14 - MAD Live Event - Trinity of Fairview, Fletcher, NC - with 106.9 The Light

• Jan 15 - Preach at both morning worship services - Calvary Chapel of Knoxville, Knoxville, TN

• Jan 21 - MAD Live Event - Calvary Chapel of Knoxville, Knoxville, TN - with 106.7 The Light

• Jan 22 - MAD Live Event - Trinity Baptist Church, Jonesborough, TN

• Jan 28 - MAD Live Event - Mountain Catawba Missionary Baptist Association, Sherrills Ford, NC


Thank you for your continued prayers regarding our schedule. As you can see, God is at work answering them! There are some incredible doors being opened. Please pray for the requests below:

• For continued healing of my left knee and in addition, my right leg. I have been having pain from the hip socket down to the knee in the right leg, caused by limping and favoring the left leg for 6 months. The pain has been in the socket and down into the quadriceps muscle. I cannot stand for even two worship songs because of the pain. I have been using a stool to teach and I get up and down as necessary.

• Cathy has been having pain in both feet. Please pray for healing for her as well.

• For God’s wisdom and guidance as we need to create some contracts for people who may be helping with the ministry. We want to protect the intellectual properties of the ministry and every person involved. See below:

o For the Lord’s Guidance as we have someone who wants to teach the MAD Live Event in Spanish speaking churches.

o For a great turn out for our first MAD event on the west coast. The MAD training we’re doing on January 7th is supposed to have representation from 65 Nazarene churches. Doors could be opening up for many MAD Live Events to be done in California.

o I will be doing the MAD Live Event for 79 SBC Pastors in TN on February 2nd. This could open the doors for us to teach in each of these churches.

• Pray for our schedule. We continue to work to fill 2017!

Love in Christ,

Cathy and Don

Ministry to end an amazing month

I was in Rochester, NY to display and speak at the Iron Sharpens Iron Conference for men. 168 men chose to attend my session. Many men were touched by what I shared and Lord willing, new doors of ministry will open for us. God gave me 3 Divine appointments on the way up to Rochester and I was able to share the Gospel.

On Sunday I returned to Community Bible Church in Lockport, NY to do another MAD Live Event. 67 people stayed for the entire event and we praise God for one person who gave their life to Jesus Christ!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

2 MAD Live Events in Lexington, SC this weekend

We praise the Lord for the opportunity to do 2 MAD Live Events this weekend, and for the salvation of 4 mores souls!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

10 Great Days of Ministry!

We had a great 10 days of ministry:

1. Starting with speaking at the Care Net 35th Anniversary celebration

2. MAD Live Event for the Lehigh Christian Academy

3. MAD Live Event at Agape Fellowship

4. Preaching at Maranatha

5. MAD Live Event at the Lehigh Christian High School Spiritual Life Week

6. MAD Live Event at People's Church of Potterbrook

7. Preach at People's Church of Potterbrook

We praise God for 32 more people who gave their lives to Christ at the MAD Live Events!

Next I head to Florida to do a MAD live Event for the Worldwide Christian Scuba Divers Organization...and I'll ge to do some diving while there!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Preached the Word today at Maranatha in Nazareth, PA

I was blessed to be able to open the Word and share a message with the body of Christ in Nazareth today.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

MAD Live Event #481 completed in Schnecksville, PA today

I completed the 481st MAD Live Event today in Schnecksville, PA. This is a small church with an average attendance of 35 on Sunday, but we had 65 attend! Some people were from Care Net, and many were from other churches. We praise God for 5 people who got saved today! Tomorrow morning I'll be preaching at the Maranatha Family Christian Fellowship in Nazareth, PA.

Friday, September 30, 2016

How The Lord Used Us In September of 2016

Hello Partners in Ministry:

After a traditionally slow summer, we were excited to have our schedule to pick up in September. We had 4 MAD Live Events this month and I preached on one Sunday morning in NJ. I was also honored and blessed to be the Keynote Speaker at the Lehigh Care Net Pregnancy Center’s 35th Annual Gala Fundraising Dinner. Their goal was $90,000, but that was just to cover their costs. They were praying and trusting God for closer to $100,000. Our God didn’t disappoint! When the evening was done, $92,000 had come in and another $18,000 was expected! Praise God! The Executive Director was very pleased with what I shared and suggested I get on the “circuit” for speaking at Pregnancy Center fundraisers. We’ll see if God opens some of those doors for us.

I am also scheduled to do a MAD Live Event next month for the Worldwide Christian Scuba Divers Organization in Florida. The doors also opened for me to teach the MAD Live Event for a potentially very large group from the same organization in Long Beach, CA the first weekend of December. That will be my first time teaching in California and this event will make that the 23rd state we’ve been privileged to teach in.

As we shared the MAD Live Event and preached, God’s Holy Spirit moved and we praise God for 29 new followers of Jesus Christ this month!

Some MAD Grad testimonies to encourage you and praise God for:

“I wanted to take a moment as share a quick story with you. For two reason's. First because of our common love of evangelizing and your love for motorcycle riders. Yesterday was the beginning of another Sunday school quarter at our church. I have decided to teach "The Way of the Master" once again. I remember years ago the words of "warning" from a pastor to SS teachers that "what you teach you WILL be tested on, guaranteed! This statement could not have been more true this morning. God brought a 6'7" 300+ Hell's Angel motorcycle rider to our front door. BEFORE I CONTINUE I MUST SAY TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY! As this mountain of a man stood in my driveway God allowed me to share the love of Jesus Christ and his need for the Savior! And that God loved him and that he was going to die one day and end up in one of ONLY two places. We embraced in a hug and I told him that if I did not care about him I would not say anything and that our "meeting" is not by accident. Man Don it was AWESOME!!!! Only God could have orchestrated something like this. Take care Brother....keep up the good fight!”

“I meet many people every day. I have seen young girls with cuts running up their arms. They are cutters. They hurt so much until they cut themselves to dull the pain. I have seen some who just need someone to tell them that someone loves them. They need to know that Jesus loves them. We can do it through God's Words I will use the gospels of John.”


Thank you for your continued prayers regarding our schedule. God is at work answering them!

• Oct 1 - MAD Live Event - Agape New Testament Fellowship, Schnecksville, PA

• Oct 2 - Preach - Maranatha Family Christian Fellowship, Nazareth, PA

• Oct 3-7 - MAD Live Event and Speak at Lehigh Valley Christian High School Spiritual Life Week, Allentown, PA

• Oct 8 - MAD Live Event - People’s Church of Potterbrook, Westfield, PA

• Oct 9 - Preach at morning worship service, People’s Church of Potterbrook, Westfield, PA

• Oct 12-16 - MAD Live Event and Speak at the Worldwide Christian Scuba Divers meeting, Hollywood, FL

• Oct 22 - MAD Live Event – Round Hill Baptist Church, Lexington, SC

• Oct 22 - Preach at Saturday evening service - The Harvest, Lexington, SC

• Oct 23 - Preach at both morning worship services - The Harvest, Lexington, SC

• Oct 23 - MAD Live Event - The Harvest, Lexington, SC

• Oct 29 - Speak at Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Conference, Rochester, NY

• Oct 30 - MAD Live Event - Community Bible Church, Lockport, NY

• Nov 6 - Preach at both AM Worship Services - The Harvest, Columbia, SC

• Nov 6 - MAD Live Event - The Harvest, Columbia, SC

• Nov 13 - Preach at Evening Service - Lighthouse Missionary Baptist Church, Jonesborough, TN

• Nov 20 - MAD Live Event - Lighthouse Missionary Baptist Church - Jonesborough, TN

• • Dec 3 - MAD Live Event - First Nazarene Church of Long Beach, CA

• Date to be Determined - Annual Don Sunshine Ministries Board Meeting


• Healing - It has been 8 weeks since my surgery and my knee is still sore and a problem. I am still in physical therapy ($308/week) and I need to be 100%. This is frustrating and I’d like it to be over so I can return to normal activities. Thanks!

• Please continue to pray for our schedule. We are now working to fill 2017!

Love in Christ,

Cathy and Don

Praise God for 2 incredible days of blessed ministry!!!

Wow! I praise God for an amazing two days of ministry. Last night I was honored and blessed to be the Keynote Speaker at the 35th Gala Anniversary Fundraiser for the Lehigh Care Net. As of last night their new name will be "Bright Hope" going forward. The goal was $90K which was just enough to pay the bills. Their dream was to get closer to $100K. God was at work in people's hearts and $92K was raised and from what I understand, there will be another $18K coming in! PRAISE GOD!!!!!

Today I did the MAD Live Event for the 5th-8th grade students at the Lehigh Christian Academy. 88 students attended and we praise God that 20 students surrendered their lives to Christ in repentance and faith! Praise God AGAIN for what He had done!!!

Monday, September 26, 2016

What an experience I had this weekend in Dumont, NJ

This weekend I had one of those rare incredible experiences while ministering in a church. I am truly at a loss for words as to how to describe my experience with the Body of Christ at Living Word Community Church in Dumont, NJ. From Pastor Frank on down, this group of people "ooze" the love of Jesus Christ. I saw joy on almost every face and a love for our Lord that blessed my heart beyond words. Their generosity, support, love and testimonies touched me deeply. I would't hesitate to recommend this church to anyone looking for a place to worship. You will be welcomed, accepted, and loved from the time you enter the building. I am looking forward to going back next spring to do a Walk thru the Bible OT seminar. All I can say is THANK YOU for making my weekend with you one I will never forget! We had close to 150 people attend the MAD Live Event on Saturday and 4 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ. PTL! On Sunday I preached and several more people got saved and the altar was pretty full as people made things right with God. Amazing! Thank you Jesus what for you did this weekend and for allowing me to be a small part of it.

Monday, September 19, 2016

MAD Live Event in NY State

I completed a MAD Live Event for the folks in Richfield Springs yesterday. 53 people attended and we praise God for one new follower of Jesus Christ!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

MAD Live Event in VA

I completed MAD Live Event #477 today in Chester Gap, VA. Wonderful people attend this church up on the mountain above Front Royal, VA. We praise God for one lady who got saved today!!!

Walk thru the Bible Old Testament seminar in NJ

I completed an Old Testament seminar on Saturday at Cape Community Church in Cape May Courthouse, NJ. We had a great time with a small group of people at the church. We were competing with the "Roar at the Shore" motorcycle weekend in Cape May so many of those who ride motorcycles could not attend.

Monday, August 29, 2016

August Ministry Report

How The Lord Used Us In August of 2016

Hello Partners in Ministry:

We started our month with knee surgery. The few people I know whom have had the surgery, said it was easy, pretty much painless, with a VERY fast recovery. Unfortunately, that was not my experience. Complicating a complex tear of the meniscus, there was some arthritis that they needed to grind off. Perhaps that was the difference in recovery and healing time. I was unable to walk for four days, and as a result, I reluctantly had to cancel a full weekend of ministry in Cape May Courthouse, NJ. I had a Walk thru the Bible Old testament seminar scheduled in one church, and preaching at 3 services at another. For the first time in our eight years of doing this ministry I had to postpone the ministry due to health issues. It just wasn’t possible to drive 11 hours to NJ just 3 days after the surgery. But God is in control! The Walk thru has been postponed until September 10th and the preaching will have to wait until some time in 2017. I am hoping to finally get off the crutch this week.

As a result of the surgery, we were left with only one MAD Live Event for the month of August. It was held in Canton, NC and was a direct result of the Live Event we did with Billy Graham’s 106.9 Radio Station in April. We praise God for one man who gave his life to Christ at the event and it looks like doors will be opened for several more trainings in the area. I also had the opportunity to speak to a group of church leaders at the Shenandoah Christian Alliance in Front Royal, VA. I shared our ministry with those in attendance and expect doors to open there. Finally, to close out the month I preached at 3 services at the Valley Forge Baptist Temple in Valley Forge, PA. One lady gave her life to Christ at the first service! Hallelujah!!

Praise! God has provided us with a huge opportunity for exposure and impact in September. I was contacted by the Pocket Testament League and they asked me to partner with them to help equip the Pro-Life movement to effectively share the Gospel. The plan is to begin with a half hour Facebook Live session near the end of September. This date will be dedicated to identifying the fears that keep us from sharing our faith and how to overcome them. Lord willing, many more will follow. Spread the word!

Some MAD Grad testimonies to encourage you and praise God for:

“Upon arriving for Sunday School, Mike and Brenda (he's the one who was a former policeman and truck driver) who attended M.A.D. on Saturday excitedly told me that shortly after arriving home a neighbor lady whom they had been supporting emotionally because of a recent split up with her husband came by and inquired about where they had been. When they explained about the M.A.D. event and what it was all about, she unexpectedly said, "I've never been saved, how do I do that?" Talk about a door opening! Mike and Brenda proceeded to explain the plan of salvation, prayed with her, and she accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior there in their living room!! In this case, I think Mike and Brenda sowed the seed, watered it, and saw the harvest. Who knows what other human influences entered into her decision but God definitely was at work all the time.”

“Another M.A.D. attendee told me Sunday that the event was "life changing" for him and that he would never leave home without his tracts and pocket testaments again as tools to enhance his witness for Christ.”

“I meet many people every day. I have seen young girls with cuts running up their arms. They hurt so much until they cut themselves to dull the pain. I have seen some who just need someone to tell them that someone loves them. They need to know that Jesus loves them. We can do it through God's Word. I will use the Gospels of John.”


Thank you for your continued prayers regarding our schedule. God is at work answering them!

• Sept 10 - Walk thru the Bible Old testament Seminar – Cape Community Church, Cape May Courthouse, NJ (Rescheduled from August 20th)

• Sept 11 - MAD Live Event - Chester Gap Baptist Church, Chester Gap, VA

• Sept 18 - MAD Live Event - Richfield Springs Bible Church, Richfield Springs, NY

• Sept 24 - MAD Live Event - Living Word Community Church, Dumont, NJ

• Sept 28 - Speak at the Lehigh Valley Care Net 35th Anniversary Gala Fundraiser, Allentown, PA

• Sept 29 - MAD Live Event - Lehigh Christian Academy

• ---------

• Oct 1 - MAD Live Event - Agape New Testament Fellowship, Schnecksville, PA

• Oct 2 - Preach - Maranatha Family Christian Fellowship, Nazareth, PA

• Oct 3-7 - MAD Live Event - Lehigh Valley Christian High School Spiritual Life Week

• Oct 8 - MAD Live Event - People’s Church of Potterbrook, Westfield, PA

• Oct 9 - Preach at morning worship service, People’s Church of Potterbrook, Westfield, PA

• Oct 15 - MAD Live Event - Worldwide Christian Scuba Divers Association meeting, Hollywood, FL

• Oct 22 - MAD Live Event – Round Hill Baptist Church, Lexington, SC

• Oct 22 - Preach at Saturday evening service - The Harvest, Lexington, SC

• Oct 23 - Preach at both morning worship services - The Harvest, Lexington, SC

• Oct 23 - MAD Live Event - The Harvest, Lexington, SC

• Oct 29 - Speak at Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Conference, Rochester, NY

• Oct 30 - MAD Live Event - Community Bible Church, Lockport, NY

• ---------

• Nov 6 - MAD Live Event and preach at both AM Worship Services - The Harvest, Columbia, SC

• Nov 19 - MAD Live Event - Emmanuel E.C. Church, Bethlehem, PA


• For continued and complete healing of my knee

• Please continue to pray for our schedule. We are now working to fill 2017!

Love in Christ,

Cathy and Don

Sunday, August 28, 2016

August Ministry is in the Books

We completed our August formal ministry today. I was privileged to preach twice this morning and at the evening service at the Valley Forge Baptist Temple. I met some wonderful brothers and sisters in the Lord and we praise God for one salvation this morning. I am SO looking forward to presenting the MAD Live Event sometime in 2017.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

MAD Live Event in NC today

I completed the first MAD Live Event since my knee surgery today in Canton, NC. 42 people attended and one man gave his life to Jesus Christ! PTL!! Although the numbers were small, it appears that there will be a number of additional bookings coming from this event. Even though I had to sit on a stool for most of the presentation, it went well. Thanks for your continued prayers!

Friday, August 19, 2016

From a reading plan in the Bible app..

Just Do It (Um … not the Nike slogan.) If you read today’s verse from Matthew in its original language, it actually starts off “As you are going ...” What this means for us is as you’re living your life, you should be sharing your faith with others. You don’t have to stand on a street corner shouting at people that they’re going to hell. Jesus didn’t do that, so you don’t have to either. Just live your life and be intentional about sharing what God’s done for you. Let’s say you play football—maybe you hate football—but for this example you play football. Would people say you’re a football player who happens to be a Christian or a Christian who happens to play football? See the difference? Are you a Christian first or the other way around? As you’re going out and doing the things you do, be a Christian first, and let people see it.

Monday, August 1, 2016

How The Lord Used Us In July of 2016

Hello Partners in Ministry:

At the beginning of this month we were in Utah, having just started this year’s Ultimate Adventure trip. There were a total of 13 on the trip. We had an amazing time of adventure and were able to plant and water some Gospel seeds on the trip. We were also blessed to have been able to stop and see my brother and sister-in-law in their new home in Breckenridge, CO on the way out and back.

We completed 2 MAD Live Events this month and 3 mini-MAD Live Events at the Kingdom Bound Christian Musical Festival in Darien Lake, NY. We praise God for 5 new followers of Jesus Christ and the equipping of more believers to share Christ every day as a lifestyle.

Some MAD Grad testimonies to encourage you and praise God for:

“I just have to tell you about the Lord's working in a young guy on our hockey team. As a reminder... I've been giving a Gospel of John booklet to each new teammate, with a note inside that I will pray for him on a particular day of the week, every week of the session. I include a request for specific prayer, along with my phone number and email address. In the middle of May, Randy, a 31 year old, new to the team, sent me an email informing me that he has cancer, been through "countless surgeries," and chemo sessions. He then said that he has a scan every 3 months to check on tumors they did not remove in the latest surgery. He asked if I would pray regarding the next scan, then scheduled for June 23rd. I assured him that it was my privilege to do so, and would periodically remind him at games that I was praying.

Last Thursday, the day of the scan, I wrote him and said that I had been thinking about him and praying often through the day. Friday he wrote with the news. The tumors had shrunk, without treatment or medication. The doctors were "literally speechless," and had NO explanation! I informed him that, "I love it when doctors have no explanation." He credited God and His power.

At our game, Sunday evening, I asked if he could hang around a few minutes so I could pray WITH him. He gladly agreed. We went to a private room where, after prayer I shared the Gospel of the grace of God with him. He received the forgiveness that is only available through the Lord Jesus Christ!! God is SO good! Thanks for reading this, and for your work. What a blessing we've received.”

“My 10 year old son is such a witness for Christ! He is not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! He wants me to "pull up a little" so he, from the back seat, can ask the drive thru window servers if they know Jesus as their Lord. I selected Pocket Testament Gospels of John that he and I can share at the walking trail beside our house. Many people walk their dogs and the Gospels of John will give us the tool to share the Gospel even more! Also, we enjoy riding bicycles around our town. The bicycle "Life is Good" Pocket Testament cover will be wonderful to have as we share Christ on our journeys. Thank you so much for equipping us to Go for Souls and live with eternal purpose!”


Thank you for your continued prayers regarding our schedule. God is at work answering them!

• Aug 6 - Walk thru the Bible Old Testament seminar - Cape Community Church, Cape May Courthouse, NJ

• Aug 6 - Preach at Saturday evening worship service - The Lighthouse Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Cape May Courthouse, NJ

• Aug 7 - Preach at both Sunday morning worship services - The Lighthouse Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Cape May Courthouse, NJ

• Aug 20 - MAD Live Event - Crestview Baptist Church, Canton, NC

• Aug 24 - Speak at the Shenandoah Christian Alliance’s Men’s Breakfast, Winchester, VA

• Aug 28 - Preach 3 times at Sunday morning worship services - Valley Forge Baptist Temple, Valley Forge, PA

• Sept 11 - MAD Live Event - Chester Gap Baptist Church, Chester Gap, VA

• Sept 18 - MAD Live Event - Richfield Springs Bible Church, Richfield Springs, NY

• Sept 24 - MAD Live Event - Living Word Community Church, Dumont, NJ

• Sept 29 - Speak at the 35th Anniversary Gala Fundraiser for CareNet – Lehigh Valley, PA

• Oct 1 - MAD Live Event - Agape New Testament Fellowship, Schnecksville, PA

• Oct 8 - MAD Live Event - People’s Church of Potterbrook, Westfield, PA

• Oct 9 - Preach at morning worship service, People’s Church of Potterbrook, Westfield, PA

• Oct 22 - Preach at Saturday evening service - The Harvest, Lexington, SC

• Oct 23 - Preach at both morning worship services - The Harvest, Lexington, SC

• Oct 23 - MAD Live Event - The Harvest, Lexington, SC

• Oct 29 – Speak at Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Conference, Rochester, NY


• For a successful surgery to repair a torn meniscus in my right knee. Surgery is scheduled for the morning of August 2nd. Also, please pray for a very speedy recovery. Thanks!

• We are really in need of your prayers and help filling the schedule for the fall and beyond. I continue to be amazed at how hard it is to get commitments, and even just return calls from pastors I have contacted.

• There is a HUGE training opportunity coming up with the Pocket Testament League in late September. It could provide us the largest and widest exposure of our teaching that we have seen thus far. Please keep this Facebook Live event in your prayers. More details later.

• I would like to start a Bible study in our neighborhood. Please pray that we will find receptive hearts willing to come and learn.

Love in Christ,

Cathy and Don

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

June Ministry Report

Hello Partners in Ministry:

June has traditionally been a slow month for teaching as are the rest of the summer months. We will have gone 5 weeks between MAD Live Events. I was blessed to preach at the Everett Hills Baptist Church in Maryville, TN this month. Later in the month I did my only MAD Live Event in June. We were privileged to partner with “106.7 The Light”, Billy Graham’s other radio station in Knoxville, TN to do the event. 105 people showed up and we praise God that 3 more people gave their lives to Jesus Christ!

After the MAD Live Event, we packed up and headed west to Colorado and stopped to see my brother Doug and his wife Diane. They just moved into their new home in Breckenridge. What a beautiful house and view of the Rockies! From there we left and completed the journey to Utah to host this year’s Ultimate Adventure trip. We have participants from PA, NJ, and NY, 10 in all. More info on the trip will be on our Facebook page and in the July report.

I did have a number of opportunities to share the Gospel with individuals this month. One of my favorite ones was when we had some landscapers come to remove some intrusive bushes that were growing behind and into our electric service and siding. They did great work and I had a wonderful opportunity to share the Gospel with them. I used the Way of the Master to show them their sin and need for a Savior and gave them Gospels of John to read. They were very attentive and asked a number of questions. Based on the expressions on their faces and questions they asked I am certain the Holy Spirit was at work in their hearts. Marty is a US Army veteran and a Native American. Chris is from the Bayou. I gave them my card and asked them to call me with questions. Chris told me he would read the entire Gospel tonight when he went home. Please pray for them as they come to mind.

“Hey Don and Cathy! Today was a great time to read your ministry report as I have the opportunity in a couple of hours to share the gospel with the man who is coming to fix my car in a couple hours. Your prayer request that God would continue to help you recognize and take advantage of the divine appointments really applies to me recently. I´m waking up from another stagnant season, and thrilled to see God answering my prayer for a witnessing buddy. Being on Nantucket (I came to listen to Don in Brewster, MA last Summer) is a totally different and intimidating culture for me. What a spiritual battle! Praying for Matt who was mentioned in the testimony and praying for your leg, Don. Can´t wait to meet you someday Cathy! Keep up the good work friends!”


• July 1-7 - Ultimate Adventure trip to Utah

• July 16 - MAD Live Event - Mountain View Community Church, Culpeper, VA

• July 20-23 - Present 3 mini MAD seminars and have a booth display - Kingdom Bound Christian Music Festival, Darien Lake, NY

• July 28 – Arthroscopic surgery to repair the completely torn Meniscus in my left knee

• July 30 - MAD Live Event with Pillar College, Somerset, NJ

• July 31 - MAD Live Event - Crossroads Community Church, Indian Mills, NJ

• August 6 - Walk thru the Bible Old Testament seminar - Cape Community Church, Cape May Courthouse, NJ

• August 6 - Preach at Saturday evening worship service - The Lighthouse Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Cape May Courthouse, NJ

• August 7 - Preach at both Sunday morning worship services - The Lighthouse Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Cape May Courthouse, NJ

• August 20 - MAD Live Event - Crestview Baptist Church, Canton, NC

• August 28 - Preach 3 times at Sunday morning worship services - Valley Forge Baptist Temple, Valley Forge, PA

• Sept 6 - Walk thru the Bible Old Testament Seminar - Cape Community Church, Cape May Courthouse, NJ

• Sept 6 - Preach at the Saturday Evening Service - Lighthouse Church of the C&MA, Cape May Courthouse, NJ

• Sept 7 - Preach at both Morning Services - Lighthouse Church of the C&MA, Cape May Courthouse, NJ

• Sept 20 - MAD Live Event - Crestview Baptist Church, Canton, NC

• Sept 28 - Preach at both Morning Services and the Evening Service at Valley Forge Baptist Temple, Valley Forge, PA


• For safe travels for Cathy, me, my granddaughter Maya, and those attending the 2016 Ultimate Adventure trip to Utah. Due to the impending surgery on my knee, I will not be able to lead most of the trip. More importantly, we have a family of 4 who are coming who don’t know the Lord. Please pray that the truth of God’s word will take root in their hearts and salvations will occur.

• We are really in need of your prayers AND help filling the schedule for the fall. It amazes me that it progressively gets harder and harder to get commitments, and even return calls from pastors. I struggle with frustration over the lack of interest and response.

• For us to be faithful with the Divine appointments God brings us each day

• I would like to start a Bible study in our neighborhood. Please pray that we will find receptive hearts willing to come and learn.

Love in Christ,

Cathy and Don

Saturday, June 18, 2016

MAD Live Event in TN

Today I completed MAD Live Event #470 in Maryville, TN. 106.7 the Light helped put this on and Pastor Doug at Everett Hills Baptist hosted it. We praise the Lord for 105 in attendance and for the three souls that were saved today.

Divine Appointment

I am in Maryville, TN for a MAD Live Event tomorrow with Billy Graham’s radio station, “106.7 The Light”. I had plans to go to Ryan’s for dinner upon arriving here. As I pulled up to the restaurant, to my surprise, it was closed! Ryan’s was no longer in business here..ugggh. So I selected another restaurant nearby and got a very nice waitress named Kirsten. As I usually do I offered to pray for her when I asked God’s blessing on my meal. Her eyes welled up in tears and told me I was going to make her cry. She said she has worked in this restaurant for the past year and a half, and I was only the second one who ever offered to pray for her. I told her that I teach people how to this and share their faith with people. She asked some questions and told me that she is off tomorrow and would like to come. She asked if she could bring her boyfriend and I said, “Absolutely!” She told me her Dad had just been transferred to the Middle East for 6 months. He is a civilian and flies drones. He will be located just outside the Syrian border. Bothe she and her Mom are concerned for his safety, so I told Kirsten that I would pray for her Father’s safety and for comfort for her Mom (April) and her. As Kirsten gave me my bill she asked me to write down the name and address of the church. I also took her through the turn-by-turn directions and she was confident she could find it. Pray she comes tomorrow and that the Lord works in her heart! 387 people reached

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Divine Appointment today

We had some landscapers come today to remove some intrusive bushes that were growing behind and into our electric service and siding. They did great work and I had a wonderful opportunity to share the Gospel with them. I used the Way of the Master and gave them Gospels of John to read. They were very attentive and asked a number of questions. Based on the expressions on their faces and questions they asked I am certain the Holy Spirit was at work in their hearts. Marty is a US Army veteran and a native American. Chris is from the Bayou. I gave them my card and asked them to call me with questions. Chris told me he would read the entire Gospel tonight when he went home. Please pray for them as they come to mind.

Friday, June 3, 2016

How the Lord Used Us in May of 2016

Hello Partners in Ministry:

May was a very slow month in terms of bookings. Summer is typically very slow, but it started early this year. As you’ll see below, we rejoice that God has provided us with a good schedule the rest of the summer months.

In May we completed 3 MAD Live Events. We praise God for 2 people who professed to be born again at the end of the seminars. God blessed me with many opportunities to share the love of Christ one on one this month, but the following was one of my favorites. “Early this month I returned the rental car I had used over the weekend to travel to and from PA. A young salesman named Matt drove me home from the Enterprise agency. In the 20 minutes we rode together, the Lord opened the doors for a spiritual discussion. He had been in church his whole life until he went off to college. Then he lost interest, but still thought he was OK for all of eternity. I shared the Gospel in detail with him and he was VERY concerned about going to hell. When we reached my home, I asked if I could pray for him and he excitedly said, “Yes”. I put my hand on his shoulder and prayed for the Father to continue to draw Him and that he would give his life to Christ in repentance and faith. I reminded him that he had my number in their computer system and if he had questions he should call me. He said he would. Pray for Matt if this Divine appointment comes to mind.”

About 6 weeks ago I woke up after a night’s rest and I had a pain in the back of my left knee. You know you’re getting old when you hurt yourself sleeping ☺. It got worse as time passed and I received a number of weekly treatments to hopefully correct the problem. As it wasn’t getting better I was referred to an Orthopaedic surgeon for an MRI. I found a local Christian Orthopedic group and was X-rayed and examined by a Doctor and brother in the Lord. He probed and pressed and the pain never materialized where he tested, except when he bent my knee back. The joint was full of fluid and swollen. He told me he would give me a cortisone cocktail of sorts to help with the healing process and if it wasn’t significantly better by Monday, the 23rd, to give him a call and he would order an MRI. I had the MRI today, and the Doc will read the results on Monday. The good news is that I was able to present the MAD Live Events that were scheduled during May, even though I had to occupy a stool during some of the Live Event, but it will be difficult for me for to lead all of the adventures on our trip to Utah in late June. Please pray this thing heals before then. I have been anointed and prayed for once. Also, brothers and sisters in the Lord have laid hands on me two other times and prayed for healing, but God has chosen for His own purposes, not to heal it supernaturally so far. Thanks for your prayers!


• June 5 - Preach - Everett Hills Baptist Church, Maryville, TN

• June 18 - MAD Live Event - Sponsored by Billy Graham’s station “106.7 The Light” (Knoxville, TN) at Everett Hills Baptist Church, Maryville, TN

• June 28 - First Day of the 2016 Ultimate Adventure Trip to Utah

• July 1-7 - Ultimate Adventure trip to Utah

• July 16 - MAD Live Event - Mountain View Community Church, Culpeper, VA

• July 20-23 - Present 3 mini MAD seminars and have a booth display - Kingdom Bound Christian Music Festival, Darien Lake, NY

• July 30 - MAD Live Event with Pillar College, Somerset, NJ

• July 31 - MAD Live Event - Crossroads Community Church, Indian Mills, NJ

• August 6 - Walk thru the Bible Old Testament seminar - Cape Community Church, Cape May Courthouse, NJ

• August 6 - Preach at Saturday evening worship service - The Lighthouse Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Cape May Courthouse, NJ

• August 7 - Preach at both Sunday morning worship services - The Lighthouse Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Cape May Courthouse, NJ

• August 20 - MAD Live Event - Crestview Baptist Church, Canton, NC

• August 28 - Preach 3 times at Sunday morning worship services - Valley Forge Baptist Temple, Valley Forge, PA


• For safe travels for Cathy, me, my granddaughter Maya, and those attending the 2016 Ultimate Adventure trip to Utah. Also pray for safety while we engage in the planned adventures - ATV riding (to over 12,000 feet above sea level, whitewater rafting, horseback riding into Bryce Canyon, hiking in the Zion Narrows (a river flowing through the largest slot canyon in the world), canyoneering (rappelling and down climbing into slot canyons), Jeeping in Moab. We have a family of 4 who are coming who don’t know the Lord. Please pray that the truth of God’s word will take root in their hearts and salvations will occur.

• For complete healing of my left knee so I can lead all of the adventures in Utah.

• For our fall schedule to fill – that our phone would begin ringing as pastors CALL US to be booked. That would be a huge change.

• For us to be faithful with the Divine appointments God brings us each day

• I would like to start a Bible study in our neighborhood. Please pray that we will find receptive hearts willing to come and learn.

Love in Christ,

Cathy and Don

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Divine Appointments today

Last night I refilled my Gospel literature bag on the Indian and “for some reason” I put a bunch of Gospels of John with the Camo cover in as well. Today I rode the motorcycle to Maryville to get some knee treatments. In Alcoa, I stopped at the Chuck-fil-A for a drink. 12 US Air Force personnel walked in and order lunch. NOW I know why the Lord had me put the Camp Gospels in the bag! I walked over to the men who were seated a couple of tables and thanked them for their service and sacrifices for our country and for me personally. I told them how much I appreciated what they do for us. They each shook my hand and I gave each one a Gospel, explaining what they would find inside as they read it. I then offered to pray for them as a group and the agreed. So I asked God’s blessing, safety, and protection on them and their families. They kept trying to thank me, but I assured them that they were the ones who needed to be thanked.

I also sold a trash can on Craig’s list today. The guy came to pick it up and saw the Indian in the garage and wanted to look it over and ask questions. We talked motorcycles for a while and then I got to share the Gospel with him and I gave him a Gospel of John to take hone and read.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

MAD Live Event completed in E-Town, PA

We had a small group attend today's MAD Live Event in Elizabethtown, PA.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

MAD Live Event in Elmira, NY

I completed a MAD Live Event today in Elmira at the Frontline Ministries Church. 29 people attended and we praise God for one young man who gave his life to Christ. He came up to me afterwards and thanked me for changing his life. I lovingly corrected him and told him that I didn't change anything....God did it. I was just blessed to have been a small part of it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Divine appointment at Enterprise

Yesterday I returned the rental car I had used over the weekend to travel to and from PA. A young salesman named Matt drove me home from the Enterprise agency. In the 20 minutes we rode together, the Lord opened the doors for a spiritual discussion. He had been in church his whole life until he went off to college. Then lost interest, but still thought he was OK for all of eternity. I shared the Gospel in detail with him and he was VERY concerned about going to hell. When we reached my home, I asked if I could pray for him and he excitedly said yes. I put my hand on his shoulder and prayed for the Father to continue to draw Him and that he would give his life to Christ in repentance and faith. I reminded him that he had my number in their computer system and if he had questions he should call me. He said he would. Pray for Matt if this Divine appointment comes to mind.

Monday, May 2, 2016

How the Lord Used us in April 2016

Hello Partners in Ministry:

We had an amazing month of ministry in April. Our first event with Billy Graham’s flagship radio station “106.9 The Light” went very well. We had just over 300 people attend that one event and 17 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ! Praise God! Many testimonies of how the training impacted people have come in. I’ll share some later in the report.

One of the most amazing evangelistic experiences I’ve ever had also happened this month. Long story short…I was at a small motel in Cape May Courthouse, NJ to spend the night before a MAD Live Event. I met two ladies working at the front desk and spent 80 minutes sharing Christ with them. One of the two ladies was an atheist from Taiwan. God worked in her heart and she came to the MAD Live Event the next day and was born again! She has been attending the church ever since and is sharing her new found Savior with her coworkers! The entire story is on the BLOG on my website. Check it out. What an amazing God we serve!!!!!

In all, we quipped 412 people to begin sharing their faith in Christ this past month. We were blessed to have seen God work in the hearts of the people in attendance and the names of 22 more people were added to the Lamb’s Book of Life! Glory to God!!!

Here are some testimonies to bless your heart and encourage you:

“Attended Make a Difference training in Hickory on Saturday and MUST report what a real difference it has already made in my life! Even though my husband and I read the Word every day and pray daily, I kept feeling like I needed to do MORE. Now I know exactly HOW I can make a difference to bring people to Jesus without fear. And live Evangelism every day. Plant the seed and let God do the rest! Everyone who is part of a church really needs to think hard about bringing Don Sunshine and his Make a Difference training to your church. It WILL change your congregation! Thank you 106.9 for making this happen.”

“My wife Sherri attended your Make a Difference seminar at Christ Church in Hickory, NC. yesterday, April 9th. I was called away to baby sit my grandson so I couldn't attend but I'm watching the 3 videos that are on Youtube of your presentation. Anyway, Sherri came home and was very excited about what she learned and told me all about it. She said it was life changing. In fact she's flying to Austin, Texas as I type this for a business trip and took some of your materials to give out to whomever she sits with on the plane, haha. You really made an impression on her and she's stepping out of her comfort zone already. I too have been impressed with what I've learned so far from the videos.”

“I want to tell you THANK YOU !! for the message today at Christ Church in Hickory. It truly was a game changer for me. I know that I should be doing all of these things, but simply not sharing the Gospel more. I have been in sales for 28 years.” “I am going to share the Good News of Christ with everyone!!”

“Don, the Make A Difference seminar was awesome. You told the truth when you said it would be entertaining. But more than that I got a good perspective on how to share my faith with others in a more deliberate, boundry-breaking way! I hope to attend next time you are in the area, and I will recommend your seminar to others with great enthusiasm.” “Been using them in restaurants; when leaving a tip and asking if they need prayer. Also have developed friendships with workers at 7-11 and one young family man is an atheist. I shared the gospel of John with him and he said he was humbled that I would share that with him!!! I continually am so blessed and daily have been sharing tracts for over 25 years - even when I mail out my bills. I am widowed for 4 yrs. after 39 yrs of marriage. Our Lord is good and so faithful! Thank you soooo much!”


We still have openings for our trip to Utah at the end of June. More info is on our website. We really need at least 2 more people to come with us!


I haven’t mentioned our support needs in several months. We are currently at 71% and still trusting God to bring this to 100% in His timing. In the meantime, he has blessed us with love offerings that have kept us afloat and made up the difference.


• May 1 - Preach morning message - Lehigh Valley Grace Brethren Church

• May 7 - MAD Live Event - Frontline Family Ministries - Elmira, NY

• May 14 - MAD Live Event - Conoy Brethren in Christ Church, Elizabethtown, PA

• May 15 - MAD Live Event - Nippenose Bible Fellowship Church - Jersey Shore, PA

• June 5 – Preach – Everett Hills Baptist Church, Maryville, TN

• June 18 – MAD Live Event – Sponsored by Billy Graham’s station “106.7 The Light” at Everett Hills Baptist Church, Maryville, TN

• June 29 – First Day of the 2016 Ultimate Adventure Trip to Utah


• Same request every month - For our 2016 schedule to fill – summer is always a slow time

• For good health and safety as we travel and minister

Love in Christ,

Cathy and Don

April's Month of Ministry Ends on a High Note

Saturday we finished out the month with an amazing weekend of ministry. I taught the MAD Live Event to 26 people at the Lehigh Valley Grace Brethren Church in Bethlehem, PA. One man gave his life to Christ at the training. PTL!!! Although a small group, these people were fired up! I then was honored to bring the message at the 25th Anniversary Dinner for the Lehigh Valley's "Share The Power" Ministerium at the Calvary Baptist Church in Bethlehem. 165 pastors and church leaders attended. The response was a huge blessing and encouragement to me. All glory goes to God though. Sunday I then stayed over and preached the morning message at the Grace Brethren Church and headed home. I can't wait to see what God will do in May!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

More testimonies form the MAD Live Event with 106.9 The Light

“Attended Make a Difference training in Hickory on Saturday and MUST report what a real difference it has already made in my life! Even though my husband and I read the Word every day and pray daily, I kept feeling like I needed to do MORE. Now I know exactly HOW I can make a difference to bring people to Jesus without fear. And live Evangelism every day. Plant the seed and let God do the rest! Everyone who is part of a church really needs to think hard about bringing Don Sunshine and his Make a Difference training to your church. It WILL change your congregation! Thank you 106.9 for making this happen.”

“I will use the Gospels of John because we currently have family members who need to be reached. My husband also goes to work with many unchurched people. I recently did the Make a Difference training with PTL speaker representative, Don Sunshine and I am ready to equip myself and share my faith and reach as many people as we can!! It really hit me hard hearing a quote about "how much do you have to hate someone to not share Jesus with them"

Monday, April 25, 2016

We serve an amazing God!

While I was away, we got a new neighbor. As I unloaded the rental car in my driveway, I heard the distinct sound of a Harley-Davidson firing up. I looked over at the neighbor's house and Cathy commented she thinks he has two. SO when I left to drop off the rental car I pulled up into his driveway to say hi and welcome him to the neighborhood. Long story short, he is from Gilbertsville, PA...Berks County...not far from where we moved from in February! We had a great conversation and he told me if I ever wanted to ride to let him know. He has 3 Harleys. I have a new neighbor and friend, and another Divine appointment for sure!

Divine Appointment

I was driving towards home after the MAD Live event in NY. I stopped for dinner then headed south. I was looking for a Comfort Inn to stay at because I was getting tired but wasn't having any success. I searched the GPS and none appeared anywhere near my location. In Washington, PA there was an exit with a number of hotels, but Comfort Inn wasn't mentioned on the signs. I looked to my left as I passed the exit and there was the hotel I wanted! I drove to the next exit, turned around and went back."

I met a man from India named Serma behind the desk at the hotel. He checked me and and saw the cross on the from of my short and asked what the shirt said. I showed him the front of the shirt. It read, "This shirt is illegal in 53 countries; Restricted Nations - 40; Hostile areas 13" He read it and asked me if that was true. I said, "Yes and it's probably worse now then when the shirt was printed." I asked him ro read the back of the shirt and turned around. The back had a large cross on it and quoted Romasn 1:16 - " I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." He read it out loud and asked what that meant. I asked him what he believed and he said he didn't follow any particular religion but believed there was a man named Jesus. I shared the Gospel with him and he listened intently. I told him that I was going out to get my luggage and I would bring him something to read. I retrieved a "One Second after you die" booklet and a Gospel of John. I have him both booklets and explained them to him. He told me he would read them and let me know if he had any questions. I gave him my card with my contact info.

Praising God for this Divine appointment.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

MAD Live Event #465 is complete

I completed MAD Live Event #465 today at the Park UM Church in Sinclairville, NY. 56 people attended and we saw the Lord work in hearts resulting in 2 more people giving their lives to Christ in repentance and faith! PTL! Next week I'll be in Bethlehem, PA.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Iron Sharpens Iron, Grand Rapids, MI

We had a great day at the ISI Conference. The numbers were low (around 300 I am told), but for a first time conference that's fine. I spoke with a number of people at my booth, but no pastors. My seminar had 45 men attend. One man came up afterwards and told me he gave his life to Jesus Christ. Praise God! A Pastor also approached me and wanted to know what I was doing tomorrow. I told him "driving". He asked me if I wanted to come and speak at his church tomorrow! Sadly I had to decline as I need of get back. He wrote his info down and will most likely book me for a MAD Live Event sometime soon. Another person also wrote down their contact info for me to follow up.

Ont he way home I stopped for dinner and prayed for a young waitress named Quinn. We had a great discussion and she came back to my table and asked how she could pray for me! I asked her to pray for safety as I had 18 hours of driving ahead of me. It turns out she is a follower of Jesus Christ and a college student. We had some nice fellowship in between her waiting on other tables. I blessed her with a 70+% tip.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Iron Sharpens Iron in Grand Rapids, MI

I am excited to be speaking at the first Iron Sharpens Iron Conference in Grand Rapids, MI tomorrow. They have almost 400 men registered to come. I am excited to see how the Lord will work in the hearts and lives of men tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Some testimonies from the MAD Live Event in Hickory, NC

Thanks for emailing me back. I thoroughly enjoyed the M.A.D. event. It spoke volumes to me. You were very engaging and real life applicable. Matter of fact I got the chance to pray for my waitress and give her the Pocket Testament. It was awesome. I am shy but with learning what we learned Saturday I want to get the focus off of me and onto God's Work for His Kingdom. We drove close to an hour or so to get to Hickory and I looked for a familiar face from around our area and unfortunately didn't see one, but thought if you could come to our small town then maybe more would come. I can't say enough of it. I want everyone I know to be able to attend. I give glory to God for speaking through you. I thank you for being obedient and helping the rest of us to do what we are commanded and purposed for.

Also when I wrote down Florence church that was the biggest one I could think of at the time. I am currently working on figuring out which church would be the biggest and have space for parking so if you will give me a few days and I will get back in touch with you with the best possible place for you to come. Again thanks for this life changing event. Keep on my brother, keep on.!!!!! May God Bless and continue to use you.

This was the most inspiring, moving push that I needed to get going with what has been nagging at my heart for many months. God placed you just where you were to reach me. Thank you!

I want to tell you THANK YOU !! for the message today at Christ Church in Hickory. It truly was a game changer for me. I know that I should be doing all of these things, but simply not sharing the Gospel more. I have been in sales for 28 years. I am going to share the Good News of Christ with everyone!!

My wife Sherri attended your Make a Difference seminar at Christ Church in Hickory, NC. yesterday, April 9th. I was called away to baby sit my grandson so I couldn't attend but I'm watching the 3 videos that are on Youtube of your presentation. Anyway, Sherri came home and was very excited about what she learned and told me all about it. She said it was life changing. In fact she's flying to Austin, Texas as I type this for a business trip and took some of your materials to give out to whomever she sits with on the plane, haha. You really made an impression on her and she's stepping out of her comfort zone already. I too have been impressed with what I've learned so far from the videos.

From the 106.9 Facebook page:

Attended Make a Difference training in Hickory on Saturday and MUST report what a real difference it has already made in my life! Even though my husband and I read the Word every day and pray daily, I kept feeling like I needed to do MORE. Now I know exactly HOW I can make a difference to bring people to Jesus without fear. And live Evangelism every day. Plant the seed and let God do the rest! Everyone who is part of a church really needs to think hard about bringing Don Sunshine and his Make a Difference training to your church. It WILL change your congregation! Thank you 106.9 for making this happen.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Incredible day in Hickory, NC with 106.9 The Light!

What an incredible day we had with 106.9 the Light in Hickory, NC! There were just under 400 registered and 300 showed up for the MAD Live Event. Wow did the Holy Spirit work in hearts today! Several people came up at the first break with tears in their eyes. Many, many people were impacted and here's the cool part - 17 people gave their lives to Christ today at the training! We are looking forward to booking churches to go to teach. Keep us in your prayers! God is good!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Follow up to Friday's Divine Appointments

Here's the amazing follow up to the Divine appointment at the motor lodge on Friday night. As the Live Event was about to begin on Saturday, Susan (the Taiwanese lady) came in and sat in the front row. I went over and greeted her and thanked her for coming. She reminded me that she had to leave at the first break. I told her she could send me an email and I would send her a link so she could watch the rest of the MAD Live Event online later.

At the first break, I went over to her to say good-bye. She gave me a long bear hug and left. In part 2 as we were about 20 minutes before the lunch break, Susan returned with her husband! They sat in the front row and stayed for the remainder of the seminar. As the seminar ended, I was a little swamped with people and I saw Susan and her husband leave, but I had no opportunity to say good-bye. Pastor Brad came up to me and said, "You're not going to believe this, but Susan gave me her evaluation form and told me that she had just given her life to Jesus Christ!!! She told me she had to leave and that she had never been in a church before. Susan said wanted to come to the service tomorrow." She asked him what time she needed to be here and Brad told her. How absolutely incredible is that? Less than 24 hours earlier this lady was an atheist, and the next day she became a follower of Jesus Christ! We were blessed to see the hand of a sovereign God at work making this happen. PTL! I also had the privilege of praying for two servers in the restaurants that I ate in. Upon returning home today, I was able to share the Gospel with "Zoom", and ETSU student working for Enterprise who drove me home after dropping off the rental car. God is good!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Divine Appointments

Today I traveled about 600 miles from Tennessee to Cape May, New Jersey to do a M.A.D. Live Event tomorrow. I stopped for dinner and had a waitress named Kaitlyn serve me. I was able to share the gospel with her and pray for both her and her Marine Corporal fiancé named Jeremy. I left her a Gospel of John with a personal not and a generous tip.

When I arrived at the motel that Cathy had selected for me to stay at, I met two ladies behind the desk named Susan and Jill. Susan is from Taiwan and Jill is a former Catholic. God opened the door for me to share the gospel with these two ladies for an hour and 20 minutes. Susan did not believe in God or the Bible. But when I was done sharing, she told me I had convinced that there is a God and that the Bible is the Word of God. Both ladies just soaked up the truths I was sharing with them. They were very excited and plan on coming to the training that I’ll be doing tomorrow. Jill is even going to bring her four children with her! I told them that I believe that God had me come to this motel to meet them because He wants both of them in heaven with Him. They both agreed that it was definitely a God thing that led me to this motel so they could hear what I had to share. What a day!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter disappointment

We have not been in TN for most Sundays as we have been traveling to minister, and since our move we have only been to church twice. Today we attended a large church in the area for one of the Easter services and walked out very disappointed and empty. The church was packed for the first service this morning. The worship team did a great job leading songs of praise that Christ had been raised from the dead and that the tomb was empty. We had communion, which they do every week here. The Pastor read a passage of Scripture, then read a list of things about the Resurrection. They took the offering, we sang again, and to my amazement, mentioned the service was about to end and if anyone wanted Jesus to save them, they should come forward. I was stunned! No Preaching of the Word! No Gospel presentation on one of the two days of the year when people feel the need to attend church. No explanation of how to be saved…NOTHING! The service was over in 45 minutes. I felt so empty. I hurt for those who needed to hear the plan of salvation and experience the conviction of the Holy Spirit…the drawing of the Father, and it didn’t happen. What a waste. This was our first experience in a local church in the Bible belt, and it left a lot to be desired. I will try to get into this church to present the MAD Live Event, but this church will not be our church home. We want to hear the Word preached, with passion and conviction by a Holy Spirit filled man.

Monday, March 21, 2016

MAD Live Event completed at Zarephath Christian Church

Yesterday I did my 3rd MAD Live Event at Zarephath Christian Church in NJ. We had a small group of about 21. I only got 14 evaluation forms back but I am praising God for 6 new followers of Christ who were born again at the training! I then had a meeting with the head of the Lehigh Valley Pastoral Ministerium called "Share the Power". They will be celebrating 25 years as an organization and asked me to bring the message at their celebration dinner. Praise the Lord!