Friday, February 21, 2014

A new way to pray for us!

This is my prayer for the ministry God has called Cathy and I to do. Will you pray this with us?

Blowing the Lid Off

On the one hand, the drive from New York to Chicago can be pretty long and boring. On the other hand, it can be an opportunity to get a lot of work done if someone else is driving. I was typing in my laptop computer while my wife was driving. (Not recommended to type on your computer while you are driving!) I was trying to meet some deadlines but my battery wasn't up to the task.

So after about an hour, the light started flashing and the beep started beeping. I'd gone as far as my internal power source would take me. So was my work time over? No, I have a power pack that plugs into the cigarette lighter, and I could work for many more hours; as many hours as I could work because that power source was unlimited.

I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "Blowing the Lid Off."

Our word for today from the Word of God comes from Acts chapter 4. We're looking at some early disciples of Jesus who understood what power source to plug into. The whole city of Jerusalem was starting to turn against them. The most powerful men in the nation were trying to shut them down. They were at the limits of human power. The light was flashing, the beep was beeping.

Acts 4:24, here's their response. It says, "When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. 'Sovereign Lord,' they said, 'You made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and everything in them.'" And then they bring their situation to Him. The result? Verse 29, they pray, "Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.' After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke the word of God boldly."

These Christians rocked their city in the face of mammoth obstacles, because they understood that our internal power is limited. But they plugged into the external p ower source in the Throne Room of Almighty God.

It was my privilege to be involved in the leadership of Billy Graham's crusade in the Meadowlands some years ago. The arena held 18,000 people, and we had it pretty much filled the first three of those five nights. Many people were coming to Christ. Everybody was thrilled. But our committee had set up 8,000 chairs in the parking lot in case there was an overflow; kind of did that by faith. Well, for three nights those chairs were empty. Everybody was praising the Lord for the unprecedented crowd we had in the arena, and we should have been. We loved the results! I was very excited!

But I had this unexplainable restlessness, and I asked four or five committee members to join me after the meeting up in some arena seats for prayer. And I prayed. I said, "Lord, I feel as if you have more for us. I want to really get a hold of You. Together we want to believe You for whatever it is you want to do." And then we really prayed, "Lord, if anyone other than You is holding a lid on this crusade, blow the lid off right now."

The next night, just before Dr. Graham got up to speak, they handed him a note and he handed it to me. It said, "There are 13,000 people in the parking lot." We had jumped from 18,000 to 31,000 in one night. People were all over, listening to the gospel by way of a giant video screen, and the lid came off the harvest that night as multitudes of people streamed forward to trust Christ. I learned a new way to pray that week. I learned to plug into the unlimited power of God; to ask Him to blow the lid off anything He really would like to do.

Could it be time for you to start praying that way; far beyond what any earth power source could ever be expected to do? To pray that way for your child, your church, your health, your finances, your future, your ministry. Come boldly and expect God-sized results. Maybe your power sources are all maxed out. Good! It's time to plug into the miracle power of God. Believe me, if you will trust Him, He can blow the lid off.

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