Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Divine Appointments today

Last night I refilled my Gospel literature bag on the Indian and “for some reason” I put a bunch of Gospels of John with the Camo cover in as well. Today I rode the motorcycle to Maryville to get some knee treatments. In Alcoa, I stopped at the Chuck-fil-A for a drink. 12 US Air Force personnel walked in and order lunch. NOW I know why the Lord had me put the Camp Gospels in the bag! I walked over to the men who were seated a couple of tables and thanked them for their service and sacrifices for our country and for me personally. I told them how much I appreciated what they do for us. They each shook my hand and I gave each one a Gospel, explaining what they would find inside as they read it. I then offered to pray for them as a group and the agreed. So I asked God’s blessing, safety, and protection on them and their families. They kept trying to thank me, but I assured them that they were the ones who needed to be thanked.

I also sold a trash can on Craig’s list today. The guy came to pick it up and saw the Indian in the garage and wanted to look it over and ask questions. We talked motorcycles for a while and then I got to share the Gospel with him and I gave him a Gospel of John to take hone and read.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

MAD Live Event completed in E-Town, PA

We had a small group attend today's MAD Live Event in Elizabethtown, PA.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

MAD Live Event in Elmira, NY

I completed a MAD Live Event today in Elmira at the Frontline Ministries Church. 29 people attended and we praise God for one young man who gave his life to Christ. He came up to me afterwards and thanked me for changing his life. I lovingly corrected him and told him that I didn't change anything....God did it. I was just blessed to have been a small part of it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Divine appointment at Enterprise

Yesterday I returned the rental car I had used over the weekend to travel to and from PA. A young salesman named Matt drove me home from the Enterprise agency. In the 20 minutes we rode together, the Lord opened the doors for a spiritual discussion. He had been in church his whole life until he went off to college. Then lost interest, but still thought he was OK for all of eternity. I shared the Gospel in detail with him and he was VERY concerned about going to hell. When we reached my home, I asked if I could pray for him and he excitedly said yes. I put my hand on his shoulder and prayed for the Father to continue to draw Him and that he would give his life to Christ in repentance and faith. I reminded him that he had my number in their computer system and if he had questions he should call me. He said he would. Pray for Matt if this Divine appointment comes to mind.

Monday, May 2, 2016

How the Lord Used us in April 2016

Hello Partners in Ministry:

We had an amazing month of ministry in April. Our first event with Billy Graham’s flagship radio station “106.9 The Light” went very well. We had just over 300 people attend that one event and 17 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ! Praise God! Many testimonies of how the training impacted people have come in. I’ll share some later in the report.

One of the most amazing evangelistic experiences I’ve ever had also happened this month. Long story short…I was at a small motel in Cape May Courthouse, NJ to spend the night before a MAD Live Event. I met two ladies working at the front desk and spent 80 minutes sharing Christ with them. One of the two ladies was an atheist from Taiwan. God worked in her heart and she came to the MAD Live Event the next day and was born again! She has been attending the church ever since and is sharing her new found Savior with her coworkers! The entire story is on the BLOG on my website. Check it out. What an amazing God we serve!!!!!

In all, we quipped 412 people to begin sharing their faith in Christ this past month. We were blessed to have seen God work in the hearts of the people in attendance and the names of 22 more people were added to the Lamb’s Book of Life! Glory to God!!!

Here are some testimonies to bless your heart and encourage you:

“Attended Make a Difference training in Hickory on Saturday and MUST report what a real difference it has already made in my life! Even though my husband and I read the Word every day and pray daily, I kept feeling like I needed to do MORE. Now I know exactly HOW I can make a difference to bring people to Jesus without fear. And live Evangelism every day. Plant the seed and let God do the rest! Everyone who is part of a church really needs to think hard about bringing Don Sunshine and his Make a Difference training to your church. It WILL change your congregation! Thank you 106.9 for making this happen.”

“My wife Sherri attended your Make a Difference seminar at Christ Church in Hickory, NC. yesterday, April 9th. I was called away to baby sit my grandson so I couldn't attend but I'm watching the 3 videos that are on Youtube of your presentation. Anyway, Sherri came home and was very excited about what she learned and told me all about it. She said it was life changing. In fact she's flying to Austin, Texas as I type this for a business trip and took some of your materials to give out to whomever she sits with on the plane, haha. You really made an impression on her and she's stepping out of her comfort zone already. I too have been impressed with what I've learned so far from the videos.”

“I want to tell you THANK YOU !! for the message today at Christ Church in Hickory. It truly was a game changer for me. I know that I should be doing all of these things, but simply not sharing the Gospel more. I have been in sales for 28 years.” “I am going to share the Good News of Christ with everyone!!”

“Don, the Make A Difference seminar was awesome. You told the truth when you said it would be entertaining. But more than that I got a good perspective on how to share my faith with others in a more deliberate, boundry-breaking way! I hope to attend next time you are in the area, and I will recommend your seminar to others with great enthusiasm.” “Been using them in restaurants; when leaving a tip and asking if they need prayer. Also have developed friendships with workers at 7-11 and one young family man is an atheist. I shared the gospel of John with him and he said he was humbled that I would share that with him!!! I continually am so blessed and daily have been sharing tracts for over 25 years - even when I mail out my bills. I am widowed for 4 yrs. after 39 yrs of marriage. Our Lord is good and so faithful! Thank you soooo much!”


We still have openings for our trip to Utah at the end of June. More info is on our website. We really need at least 2 more people to come with us!


I haven’t mentioned our support needs in several months. We are currently at 71% and still trusting God to bring this to 100% in His timing. In the meantime, he has blessed us with love offerings that have kept us afloat and made up the difference.


• May 1 - Preach morning message - Lehigh Valley Grace Brethren Church

• May 7 - MAD Live Event - Frontline Family Ministries - Elmira, NY

• May 14 - MAD Live Event - Conoy Brethren in Christ Church, Elizabethtown, PA

• May 15 - MAD Live Event - Nippenose Bible Fellowship Church - Jersey Shore, PA

• June 5 – Preach – Everett Hills Baptist Church, Maryville, TN

• June 18 – MAD Live Event – Sponsored by Billy Graham’s station “106.7 The Light” at Everett Hills Baptist Church, Maryville, TN

• June 29 – First Day of the 2016 Ultimate Adventure Trip to Utah


• Same request every month - For our 2016 schedule to fill – summer is always a slow time

• For good health and safety as we travel and minister

Love in Christ,

Cathy and Don

April's Month of Ministry Ends on a High Note

Saturday we finished out the month with an amazing weekend of ministry. I taught the MAD Live Event to 26 people at the Lehigh Valley Grace Brethren Church in Bethlehem, PA. One man gave his life to Christ at the training. PTL!!! Although a small group, these people were fired up! I then was honored to bring the message at the 25th Anniversary Dinner for the Lehigh Valley's "Share The Power" Ministerium at the Calvary Baptist Church in Bethlehem. 165 pastors and church leaders attended. The response was a huge blessing and encouragement to me. All glory goes to God though. Sunday I then stayed over and preached the morning message at the Grace Brethren Church and headed home. I can't wait to see what God will do in May!