Friday, November 27, 2015

How the Lord Used Us In November of 2015

Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

We completed 3 MAD Live Events this month, all in Pennsylvania. We praise God for the 4 people who surrendered their lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in repentance and faith. I received these testimonies from a Pastor in western PA after doing the training in his church this month. These should bless your heart and illustrate how the Lord is using the Live Event.

“After the seminar I was eagerly looking for my opportunity to hand out my Gospels of John. I missed my first chance, but because of your teaching I immediately knew it. I realized when the opening came and how I had missed it. I was ready the next time. I was visiting Ed in the hospital. He lived across the street from the church and as far as I knew, never went to church. We had talked several times in the past so I felt compelled to visit him. During my visit I gave him a Gospel of John. I talked to his wife a couple weeks later and she said Ed asked her to read "the little book" to him every day. The next time I visited, Ed was distinctly different. He shared with me that Jesus was now his Savior. It was all due to his faithful wife and that "little book." About six weeks later Ed went to be with his Lord, after knowing Him for only a couple months. Don, your message at the seminar was so true. It is not our words, but God's Word that is powerful enough to save.”

“After this latest seminar at our church 10 days ago, many of our people were sharing openings they had to hand out their "little books." The most revealing was one woman, Deb who was able to give one to her mother in a nursing home. Her mother never wanted to hear talk about 'God.' A week after receiving her "little book" she told Deb that she had read the whole book. She went on to say, "I want what you have." Deb was able to pray with her and she told Deb that she had Jesus as her Savior now. After years of her mother lying to her Deb is now watching for the evidence to be sure her confession is real. If Deb is not sure she is planning to followup with her mom in the weeks to come. (Don my hope is that Deb may write to you and share this story herself.)”

Here’s another testimony I received from a MAD Grad:

“I was able to share the gospel of John with a patient who I had long conversations with about God and Jesus. She was always laughing how I could believe such stories. I explained she would have to come to terms who Jesus really was and I gave her a pocket testament to read, a week later she accepted Christ as Savior, please pray for her. Also I have been able to share the Spanish version also. It is a great way to reach our Mexican families in the area.”


It is time for us to make reservations for lodging for our 2016 Ultimate Adventure trip to Utah. No experience necessary. A short video is on my website if you’d like to check out what we’ll be doing. It is difficult to make lodging decisions when we don’t know how many people are coming and what the mix is: how many couples, how many individual men, individual women, family members etc…and believe it or not, the lodging fills up well in advance. If you have interest in coming, I NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU NOW. Please contact me if interested.


• Dec 2 - Lehigh Valley Pastor/Pizza luncheon

• Dec 5 - MAD Live Event - Maranatha Family Christian Fellowship, Nazareth, PA

• Dec 6 - Preach at the Alliance Church in Port Allegany, PA

• Dec 7 - Present to the Outreach Committee of Life Church in Bethlehem

• Dec 12 - Annual Board Meeting of Don Sunshine Ministries

• Jan 3 - MAD Live Event - Park United Methodist Church, Sinclairville, NY

• Jan 14 - MAD Live Event for the staff of Light 106.9, Black Mountain, NC

• Jan 16 - MAD Live Event - First Baptist Church of Kingston, TN

• Jan 23 - MAD Live Event - Christ Chapel, Hickory, NC - Sponsored by Light 106.9 (The Billy Graham station)

• Thursday, Jan 28 - MAD Live Event (Part 1) - Jesus Book & Gift Store, Green Brook, NJ (Part 2 a week later, same night - Thursday)

• Jan 30 - MAD Live Event - Bethesda Full Gospel Tabernacle - Tonawanda, NY

• Jan 31 - MAD Live Event - Avoca Baptist Church, Avoca, NY


• Our Annual Board of Directors meeting is Dec 12th. Please pray for God’s wisdom, guidance, and direction as the Board meets and makes decisions.

• We have an incredible January schedule, but filling the months following continues to be a struggle. Please pray for our calendar to fill. Your help with pastoral contacts and prayers for next year are truly appreciated!

• We ask for continued prayers for good health and safety as we travel and minister, and that hearts will be open to the Holy Spirit’s moving.

Love in Christ,

Cathy and Don

Monday, November 16, 2015

Craig's List Divine Appointment

I sold a Harley-Davidson tour pack bag on Craigslist today to a man named John. His bag was stolen off of his Harley in Ocean City. Shared a One Second After You Die booklet with him.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

MAD Live Event #450 today

I completed MAD Live Event #450 today in Bethlehem, PA. 33 people attended and a man, who had attended this church for the first time on Sunday, showed up today and gave his life to Jesus Christ. He came up to me afterwards with a big smile on his face and told me that he had been confused about what the Gospel actually was, but today, he understood it clearly and made a decision to surrender to the Lordship of Christ in repentance and faith. PRAISE GOD!!!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Divine Appointment

Last night on the way to Hershey, we stopped for dinner. Our waitress’ name was Katie. I told her that we always asked a blessing on our meals and we always pray for our server. I asked how we could pray for her. She was quite stunned, then said I was going to make her cry. I said, “Please don’t cry”….too late. She burst into tears. She calmed down and asked me to pray for her family. I asked if there was someone in particular whom needed prayer, and she told me her Dad did. I asked for his name and told her we’d pray for her and her Dad. She thanked us and left. We left her a Gospel of John with a personal note in the front, and a great tip. Now it’s up to our Lord.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

MAD Live Event in Carlisle

I completed another MAD Live Event today in Carlisle, PA. One lady gave her life to Christ at the event. God is good!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Great day, but a little sick...

I completed the 448th MAD Live Event today in Murrysville, PA. It was a small church but without a doubt, they had the highest percentage of people attend. Normally on a Saturday, the average is 10-15% of the Sunday morning attendance. With lots of promotion, and having the members sign an agreement to show up (very creative), they would have had 100% attendance, except for one lady who called in this morning. She had a tooth pulled yesterday and was a little under the weather. So we had 26 people attend and I praise God for 2 people who gave their lives to Christ today! I also got to pray for several waitresses as I traveled. Tomorrow I'll be in Carlisle for another MAD Live Event. I covert your prayers as I developed a sore throat today. Can't afford to be under the weather right now.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Divine Appointment

Today I was filling in on a vacant bus run for the school district. After the pre-ride checklist, a lady came to the door of the school bus and introduced herself as Jeanne. She was assigned to ride with me this morning to check out the route. The management was hoping she would take the morning and afternoon run going forward. In the course of conversation, I found out the she has never been to church, but always felt there is a God. I had the opportunity to go through the Way of the Master questions with her and share the “One Second After You Die” booklet with her. There was also an opportunity to pray for her as she had a cancerous tumor in her breast 15 years ago, which required a lumpectomy, and another one has recently appeared that needs to be looked at. Jeanne thanked me for the book and said she would read it. She may ride again with me tomorrow, so I’ll be able to follow up.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Divine Appointment Missed...then found

I went trick or treating with my son and his family last night. We stopped at a house that could be interested in buying. I saw a VA Game Commission truck in the driveway and my son told me that one of them works for the Game Commission. As we walked up to the house, the husband and wife were outside waiting for the kids to stop by. I was wearing my PA Game Commission Deputy Jacket and I introduced myself. We met Jamie and Jade and I found out that it was Jamie, the wife, who worked for the Game Commission. She is the bear biologist for the state….how cool. We swapped a bunch of stories and talked for quite awhile while my son and his family continued on their trick or treating route. They eventually returned for me and we went back to their house. Sadly, I was so engrossed in the conversation, that I neglected to share the Gospel with them…AND, I had Gospel literature in my pocket for just such an occasion! FAIL! That night, I felt conviction as I realized that I never told them about Jesus.

So today after church, I told my son I had to stop at their house and complete my Ambassadorship assignment before heading home. When I got to their house, Jamie was outside and I got to share my faith with her. I gave her a camo covered Gospel of John and a “One Second After You Die…” booklet to read. I included my card and told her to call if she had any questions after reading what I gave her. Now it’s up to the Father!