In spite of all of the evil and unrest we’re seeing around the world and in our own country, we are still a blessed people with much to be thankful for. In fact, we have enumerable blessings from our Father in Heaven. As you pray, think about all of the people, things, and events in your life and try to thank God for every one of them. It’s difficult to even begin listing them all. Cathy and I are grateful to God for His Son, His grace, mercy, and gift of eternal life. We are also grateful to have been called by Him to rescue lost people, and help equip the church to do this work of ministry. We are blessed to see the Holy Spirit move powerfully every weekend as we share the M.A.D. Live Event with people all over the country. Cathy and I are thankful that you’re reading this and that you support us with your prayers and often sacrificial giving to keep us doing what God has called us to do. You rewards are secure in Heaven!
We finished our 2014 with 4 more Live Events in November, and we were blessed to see that 5 more people surrendered their lives to Christ at the M.A.D. Live Events! Praise God!! Our schedule “dies” after Thanksgiving until after the New Year, as churches are busy with the holiday schedules, events, and family activities. We will spend our daily work hours calling churches in hopes of filling a light 2015 speaking schedule. Next month’s report will include a summary of how the Lord used us in 2014.
In our downtime next month, I plan on recording some 1 minute evangelism pieces from the MAD Live Event that we’ll be sending to some Christian radio stations in hopes they’ll use them on the air. If they do, they will give us added exposure to places where we’ve never been.
Here are a few testimonies to encourage you:
“Pastor Ralph, I am honored and humbled by being considered as a candidate to serve as a deacon. However, I feel I must decline. Really I feel that I am too old, I will be 85 in about two weeks. I am in fairly good health, but my mind has declined somewhat and I feel it would cause me too much stress to rightly fulfill the office adequately. After hearing Don Sunshine's ministry, I feel that I can serve in my "spiritual gift of evangelism" to tell others about my savior! I have not done it in that way before because of fear, not knowing what to say, etc. I have had the experience now of allowing the leading of the Holy Spirit to give me the courage and power, not in my own power as previously, to talk to people with calmness and confidence.”
“We used to witness with tracts which are not available anymore. We find it easier and affordable to the gospel of John & are easy to carry on our cruises. God opens many divine appointments for us to witness to crew members especially to Spanish & Chinese speaking nationals. My husband speaks 5 European languages & I speak Mandarin, Cantonese & little Indonesian. On our last cruise, the Holy Spirit spoke strongly to a Muslim crew member from Indonesia and she prayed to receive Jesus as her Savior. Please pray for Eka. She is afraid to tell her family about her new found faith. My church is Calvary Chapel of Port St. Lucie.” “Being a divorced single mother of 3 boys I started to give up hope as life attacked me. After a long while of doing worldly things and getting tired of worldly results I decided to get back into God's world again. I have recently remarried and now am a mother and stepmother of 6 children. Through ups and downs 3 members of my family have been saved and baptized. I feel my story can help others who are single moms or divorcees by sharing Godly testimonies. I also work in hospice but am on a leave due to sickness. I am on the upside but have great hope to share as just a year before I had an illness that could have taken my life. God had other plans though. After hearing Don Sunshine speak at our church it empowered me to want to share my strength and faith only through God's love and now getting Godly results!”
• Dec 6 – Don Sunshine Ministries Annual Board Meeting, Williamsport, PA
• Continued prayers are requested for our schedule in 2015. It is still very light and the task of filling the schedule literally gets harder each month. I know you’re probably tired of hearing that, but it is true. In addition to praying, please speak with any pastors and church leadership you know and ask them to check us out. They can watch the first hour of the training on our website and I can provide a password to view it in its entirety on Vimeo if needed.
• Thanks for praying about the possible opportunity with the Christian Motorcyclists Association. We were hoping to purchase some ad space in their monthly magazine to expose our teaching to their membership and help equip their people to share Christ effectively. The Board of Directors decided not to allow us to advertise in their monthly magazine. Although we are disappointed, God is still in control!
• For Word FM to partner with us on a pilot MAD Live Event in their listening area
• Praise! Kingdom Bound has agreed to allow me to teach 3 - 1 hour sessions of the M.A.D. Live Event at their Darien Lake, NY Christian music event next summer! We will also have a booth there. This is GREAT NEWS!
Love in Christ,
Cathy and Don
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