Friday, August 29, 2014

August Ministry Report

How the Lord used us in August of 2014

Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

We are praising God for the best August we have ever had in terms of a schedule. Here’s what the Lord allowed us to do this month:

• 3 MAD Live Events

• 2 days of Interviewing children at the local CEF camp – leading some to Christ and planting/watering seeds in the others

• 2 days of preaching at the Milford Bible Camp’s Family Camp

• 1 day as a guest speaker on WGRC’s Morning Show from 6-9 AM talking about evangelism

• 1 Day speaking at the Surfside Services in Ocean Grove, NJ

We praise God for all of these opportunities to share His love and plan of salvation and we were blessed to see God save another 20 souls this month! Praise the Lord!!!! After completing the MAD Live Event on the 24th in Lexington, SC, a young man about 14 yrs old came up to me afterwards with tears in his eyes and wanted to speak with me. I pulled him aside and he cried, and cried and cried, not able to speak in any kind of a complete sentence. He was broken by the Holy Spirit. Through the tears he said he needed to be saved. He hadn’t made the decision when the invitation was given at the end of the training, and he said he couldn't leave the church until he was right with God. As I spoke with him, his Dad came over and joined us. I had the privilege of leading him to Christ in the foyer of the church!

Here’s some more testimonies to bless your heart and encourage you:

“Dear Don, After hearing you speak in Sunbury, Pa this summer, I was able to get some great witnessing books to keep in my vehicle. Our Church went on a mission trip to Rochester in July. While talking to a young mom in a poor section of town (sitting on playground equipment), the Lord helped me to tell her about Him. Had one very interesting conversation about the Lord, about her life (came from India), and sharing some of my testimony with her. I then told her to wait a minute because I had something for her....(I call it "pulling a Don Sunshine") and ran to the church van to write a personal note to her and to then give them to her. She was sooooo appreciative about the books. Praying that she is reading them and understanding them and wanting to know more about the Lord. Thank you so much for your testimony and your willingness to help others like me who have a hard time starting a conversation that leads to witnessing for God. The Lord has used you to remind me to be open to what He is saying to me and to DO something about it.”

“I took that leap of faith and stepped outside my comfort zone. Once a month I have lunch with some retirees from our past employment. There about 7 of us who meet. To my knowledge I am the only Christian. One gal claims to be agnostic ..what ever that is suppose to are either on Gods team or your in between. Anyway I've always wanted to approach them some how but was afraid. After your class it seemed easier. SO...last week before the dinner I thought I am going to do this! My heart said to approach slowly and ask before we leave if anyone would like me to pray for them and they don't need to ask for anything specific. I did know several health problems some were having so I started off by mentioning them and I would pray for those needs till we met again. I was waiting for some moans & groans but to my surprise they all said yes..please do..pray for me. I was about blown over & thought what was I fearing! Like you said friends and family are the hardest. They all thanked me and I got a nice email from one of the girls. I gave them my email if they had any needs before our next luncheon. Now to the agnostic..she never said a word. I mentioned at the table that I would pray she would fine a good renter for her rental property. She is a tough nut but hopefully The Lord will open her heart. I just wanted you to know your classes are a success! I plan to gradually work more and more on these gals and see where The Lord leads.”

“Hi Don, I picked up some gospels of John yesterday after the last session. 4 different covers. Today after my shift at McDonald's I heard a couple of young guys talking in the booth behind me while I was waiting for my ride. They mentioned the race car driver who got killed north of here, how he was only 20. So I stuck my head around the corner and fairly soon asked about their spirituality. The one guy, Eddie, said he was basically christian, but then went into this cosmic meditation thing and how we are all gods that made it pretty clear he didn't know what Christianity was. So, one of the covers I picked on the book was a starscape... sooo... I asked if I could share what I believed, and told him that this was a book of the Bible and pretty much explained what Christianity is. He and his friend took it, they were there for interviews, so I hope to have another shot at one or both of them. I fell like I could have done better, but it was the first time. I'll keep going. Pray for me. And for Eddie and his friend. His friend didn't want to share his beliefs, maybe he's Wiccan, lot of that around here, but he is willing to hear what I believe. Thanks for coming yesterday, God really did something. blessings and prayers!”

As we look at what is happening in the world around us, we are living in very scary, yet exciting times. There is more and more of a sense of urgency to rescue lost people and to equip followers of Christ to do the same. The world as we know it is falling apart because of rampant sin. We are praying that the Lord will come quickly for His bride before this gets really ugly. Thanks for your partnership in helping us to impact the Kingdom in these last days.


• Sept 6 - MAD Live Event - First Baptist Church - Kannapolis, NC

• Sept 7 - MAD Live Event - The Harvest - Lexington, SC

• Sept 14 - MAD Live Event - Bethel Memorial Baptist Church - Easton, PA

• Sept 18 - beginning this Thursday, I will be leading a weekly small group study for people in our church

• Sept 21 - MAD Live Event - Calvary Bible Fellowship Church - Shamokin, PA

• Sept 27 - MAD Live Event - New Life Bible Fellowship Church - Oley, PA - PRAYERS FOR A GREAT TURNOUT ARE REQUESTED FOR THIS DATE - I am being professionally filmed at this event • Sept 28 - MAD Live Event - Grace Community Church - Allentown, PA


• Thank you for your prayers regarding our fall schedule. God has been gracious to us and has given us a good September and a little beyond. Please keep the full schedule request before our Lord. Thanks!

• The September 27th MAD Live Event in Oley PA is a very important one for us. First, it will be our 400th MAD Live Event, so we rejoice in that milestone. But secondly, we will be professionally filmed by Cabinwood Productions, a Christian video production company from Allentown, PA. They have graciously offered to provide me with a professionally produced DVD set of the MAD Live Event for whatever we can use it for. THANK YOU LORD! Please pray for a full house because the video will look better and the group dynamics will be better as well!

• The national motorcycle ministry that I mentioned last month has added an agenda item to discuss the possibility of doing “something” with our ministry. We’d love to see this happen.

Love in Christ,

Cathy and Don

Monday, August 25, 2014

Divine appointment at the drive up window

Today I had an open door to share Christ with the man who owns the Steak Shack in Sinking Spring. I spent about 20 minutes talking with him at his drive up window about the Lord and then returned later for another 20 minute conversation. When I returned the 2nd time, he said that he couldn't think about anything but what I had shared with him on the first stop. I gave him something to read and included my phone number. I am hoping God will bless me with the privilege of leading him to true faith in Jesus Christ very soon.

Graet day in Lexington, SC!

Was I ever blessed yesterday! The time of singing praises to God at both services was incredible. Everyone was so loving and kept me busy at every break! A number of people attended the MAD Live Event for the 2nd time. In all we ended up with 225 staying for the entire training. 7 people responded to the drawing of the Father through His Holy Spirit and were born again! PTL! A young man about 14 yrs old came up to me afterwards with tears in his eyes and wanted to speak with me. I pulled him aside and he cried, and cried and cried nearly able to speak in any kind of a complete sentence. He was broken by the Holy Spirit. Through the tears he said he needed to be saved. He hand't made the decision when the invitation was given at the end of the training, and he said he couldn't leave the church until he was right with God. As I spoke with him, his Dad came over and joined us. I had the privilege of leading him to Christ in the foyer of the church! This young man made my day! Many people stopped and shared with me how the training had impacted their lives. I am truly blessed to be called to do what I do. I left the church at 3:45 PM and began the long trek home, arriving home in PA at 2 AM this morning. I am glad to be home and anxious to be back in NC and SC again in two weeks to minister.Thanks so much to Pastor Ralph and the leadership team for allowing me to minister to an awesome group of people.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

MAD Live Event in Charlotte

I woke up this morning to a flat tire on the rental car. Pastor Clay picked me up at the hotel and brought me to the church. After the Live Event, I got to change the tire in 100 degree weather with an equal amount of humidity. Fun.

On the positive side, I completed a MAD Live Event in an inner city church in Charlotte, NC. 75 people attended and I praise God for working in people's hearts. Besides equipping the folks, 8 people indicated on their evaluation forms that they had surrendered their hearts to the Lordship of Christ in repentance and faith! Praise God! Great rejoicing in the presence of angels in Heaven!

Tomorrow doing a MAD Live Event at First Baptist Church in Lexington, SC. I am anxious to see how the Lord works tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tomorrow - Morning Show interview

I'll be on the morning show at tomorrow from 6-9 AM talking about personal evangelism and the M.A.D. Live Event. Tune in online and listen live.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Milford Bible Camp tonight and tomorrow

I am excited to be doing an abbreviated version of the first part of the MAD Live Event tonight for Family Camp at the Milford Bible Camp. Tomorrow night will be part 2. Lord willing the exposure will open some new doors for us the share the full Live Event in churches. Prayers always appreciated!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day 2 Interviewing CEF Day Campers

Finished Day 2 of interviewing campers at the local CEF camp. What a blessing these kids were to me. I had the privilege of spiritually challenging them to live for Jesus, and to make it a priority to spend time reading His Word, praying, and telling their loved ones and friends about Christ.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Day 1 interviewing campers at CEF Camp

Day 1 at CEF camp interviewing kids is done. Had a wonderful time with these young people encouraging some and leading two to faith in Christ. One more day of interviews tomorrow.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Undeniable Evidence

Nancy got off to a really fast start spiritually. Well, in a way she did, because it took about two years of her coming to my Campus Life Club before she finally chose Christ as her Savior. But after that she really took off. In fact, she came over to my house not long after she made her commitment and said, "Ron, could you give me an argument to convince my big sister, Linda, that this is real?" What had happened was that Nancy came home talking about Jesus, and Linda said, "Oh, right, Nancy! Last week it was a drug, next week it will be a boyfriend. This week it's Jesus. You'll get over it."

Nancy needed to know how to convince her. She needed an argument. I said, "Well, maybe I could. But I'd rather you'd do this, Nancy. Ask yourself this question, 'What change could I ask Jesus to make in me that my big sister, Linda, would have to notice?'" She said, "I've got it!"

Two weeks later she came back. I said, "Well, how did it go with the Lord and with Linda?" She said, "Oh great! I gave God the chair." Right! "I gave God the chair?" She said, "See, we've got this big, red overstuffed chair in our living room. It's right by the picture window and right in front of the TV set. And Linda and I always start by arguing over this who's going to get it. So I just said, 'Lord, help me to be unselfish about this chair.'"

Wouldn't you know it began to get Linda's attention. She said, "Nancy, what's happened to you?" Two years later these girls are like; takes them two years. Linda came to me. She said, "Ron, Nancy and I just wanted you to know I've just given my life to Christ." I said, "Oh that's awesome!" She said, "Yeah, but we've got a question. Now, who gets the chair?" That is a true story.

I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "Undeniable Evidence."

Our word for today from the Word of God comes from Matthew 5:15. "People do not light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Notice here it doesn't say they will hear your good beliefs and praise your Father in heaven. They will see your good deeds.

Now, here's 1 Peter 2:12. It's sort of a companion verse. "Live such good lives among the pagans that though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and then glorify God on the day He visits us." These people who start out criticizing you end up praising your God. Why? It's not beliefs. It's not meetings that interest people in your Jesus. It's your changed life. It's the difference He makes.

Maybe you need to ask yourself in light of the lost people in your world, "What change could I ask Jesus to make in me that they would have to notice?" If you're concerned for a parent who doesn't know the Lord, why don't you ask yourself, "How could I give them a better son? How could I give them a better daughter?" That's what they ought to get out of me being a Christian is a better son or daughter, more time with them, more help around the house, more respect. See, that's a change a parent would notice.

Maybe you're a parent and you've got a son or daughter who doesn't know the Lord. Ask yourself, "What change could I have Jesus make in me as a mom or dad that my son or daughter would sure notice?" Who could be against something that gives them a better parent or a better child? Maybe you're an employee and you want to reach your employer. "Lord, how could I change? Make me more reliable, more on time, more conscientious; whatever they would notice; a better friend, a better neighbor. In other words, be different in the way that would matter most to the lost person you want to take to heaven with you.

For Nancy it was the chair in the living room. Listen! Give the people around you a new and improved model of you, made possible daily by a Savior named Jesus. But be new in their language. It will win you the right to introduce them to the One who's changed you. See, they can't see Jesus, but they're looking at you. So, show them in living color that life-changing difference-making power of Jesus Christ, a change that matters to them. Now that's undeniable evidence.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

MAD Live Event completed in Binhamton, NY roday

We had about 100 people stay for the entire MAD Live Event today at Central Baptist in Binghamton.

Just before we started the first session, I was so blessed and surprised to see Pastor Justin Bleuer of the Berean Bible Church from just up the road in Greene NY at Central Baptist. I have taught in his church several times. He said that when they heard that I was coming to Central, he and other members of his congregation gave up their Sunday morning to come to Central to provide childcare for the kids so parents could attend the MAD Live Event! That was a first for me! I am so impressed with the servant hearts that these people have. God bless them!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

ATTN PA: We could use your help!

I am booked to do a MAD Live Event at the New Life Bible Fellowship Church in Oley on Saturday, Sept 27th beginning at 9 AM. Cabinwood Productions, a Christian Production company out of Allentown, will be professionally recording the Live Event using 3 TV cameras. It is important for the video to have a full auditorium as it looks better in the video and will a larger crowd will improve the group dynamics. The MAD material continues to evolve and improve as time goes by. I made the last major presentation changes on June 1st, so there’s new material in the presentation.

Would you kindly help by:

1. personally attend the live event even if you’ve been through one before

2. bring as many people as you can – relatives, friends, neighbors

3. Promote the event to your friends, relatives, and church leaders and members

We are working on getting lunch donated for the first 200 people who register and attend. We are asking people to register in advance on the homepage of our website so we’ll have an idea of how many to expect. Please register and re4commend that others do the same.

Thanks for your help!!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

July Ministry Report

How the Lord used us in July of 2014

Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

Traditionally, July is a slow time for our ministry…same for this year. We were blessed to have been referred to two E. Free churches in Colorado by Pastor Sam from northern NJ. We had ministered in his church and he recommended us to his pastor friends in Colorado. That’s how our ministry grows…word of mouth! In God’s providence, we were able to do two MAD Live Events in Colorado while on our way to Utah for our annual Ultimate Adventure trip. We equipped about 130 people and were blessed to see two people come to faith in Christ at the MAD Live Event. Praise God!!! The one church in Canon City happens to be the town where my brother and sister-in-law live. So we spent some time with them before heading to UT for our trip.

Our oldest granddaughter came along on the Ultimate Adventure Utah trip to Utah and was a HUGE help with all of the shopping and work that needed to be done. In addition, there were 10 people who participated in this year’s trip. They were a great bunch and we enjoyed sharing some time in God’s Word while working on David Platt’s study guide for his book, “Follow Me”. We saw some of God’s amazingly beautiful handiwork displayed in nature, and enjoyed the Christian fellowship and adventures for the eight days. The adventures included:

• ATV riding to over 12,000 feet above sea level

• Camping in a meadow at over 9,000 feet. We had a bear visit the tents at night, sniff around them and then leave.

• Whitewater rafting in the Sevier River

• Hiking in the Zion Narrows (in the river with special footwear and a long stick)

• Canyoneering – 9 rappells, each from 30-100 feet long, plus downclimbing

• Horseback ride down into Bryce Canyon

• Jeeping in Moab – the “Rock Crawling Capital of the World”

• Zip Lining – Six section of varying lengths of cable from 260' - 1200' accessed by 2 miles of exhilerating ATV trail. Tree-less ziplining with views of Arches National Park on the horizon and the famous Slickrock Mountain Bike Trail below.

The trip required about 5,700 miles of driving for us, but it was well worth the effort. We met a number of people along the way that we were able to share the love of Jesus Christ with. The results are in His hands now.

I recently finished reading two of David Platt’s Best Selling books and they have truly rocked my world and impacted the material contained in the MAD Live Event. I would HIGHLY recommend that you purchase “Radical” and “Follow Me” by David Platt and read them. Not only did some of his material make it into my training, but I bought 9 of each of the books for my closest loved ones to read. Serioiusly, you MUST read them!

On another note - more reason to keep us in your prayers…I sent out about 40 DVDs of the 2 minute MAD intro video from my website with a short intro letter in hopes pastors would read the letter, watch the video, and go to my website for more information. I haven’t received one call, so now I will call each of them and see what happens. Please continue to pray!

We continue to say “thank you” to every one of you who regularly prays for us and/or sacrificially gives to support our work for the Kingdom!


We praise God for the best August schedule we have ever had!

• Aug 10 – MAD Live Event - Central Baptist Church - Binghamton, NY

• Aug 12 & 13 - Interview children at CEF Camp in Laureldale, PA to determine where they are with the Lord and to lead them to Christ if they are ready

• Aug 16 & 17 - Speak at Family Camp – Milford Bible Camp, Zionsville, PA

• Aug 20 - I will be on the morning show from 6 AM - 9 AM at WGRC in Lewsiburg, PA talking about evangelism and the MAD Live Event. Listen in if you can.

• Aug 23 - MAD Live Event - Faith Memorial Baptist Church, Charlotte, NC

• Aug 24 - MAD Live Event - First Baptist Church, Lexington, SC


• There’s a possible breakthrough in regards to the opportunity to advertise in the national Christian motorcycle ministry’s monthly magazine. Please pray for victory in this opportunity.

• Continued prayers for the schedule to fill

• Please pray that we will get into larger churches and have more people attend the Live Events. We have no control over how many people attend our Events, but the average number of participants is way down this year, most likely because we have been ministering in smaller churches. Our desire is to have more of an impact for the Kingdom.

• For God’s Spirit to move powerfully as we minister in the places where He opens doors

Love in Christ,

Cathy and Don