Friday, June 27, 2014

Uniquely Gifted - James MacDonald

For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body (1 Corinthians 12:14–15, ESV).

If you were a foot in the body of Christ, you may have times when you find yourself thinking, If only I were a hand. Here I am, far away from the top, just standing around all the time, tapping myself. I hate being a foot; I want to be a hand. Feet get all the lame jobs; hands get to do the cool stuff.

Though you might feel like that, the fact is, feet are important. When the body of Christ has to take a stand, we need feet. When we are called to travel somewhere, our feet carry us. When we need a good wake-up kick, we rely on our feet. The body needs every part. The foot may envy the hand, and the ear may envy the eye (12:16), but each is essential.

Have you ever felt your role is not significant? Perhaps you can’t see where you fit or doubt that your part matters or whether you even have a part. Do not let your feelings dictate your reality. Even if you feel like you don’t have a part, you do. Even if you can’t see your place, it’s there. You matter to God and to His church. You have a place and what you do is greatly needed. If Christians, through our own human failings, have made it difficult for you to find your place, don’t stop looking. Try again—the church needs you.

If we were all eyes, our body couldn’t hear. If we were all hands, our body couldn’t walk. “But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose” (12:18, emphasis added). If you hate your gift or wish you had a different one, you’ll have to take that up with God. But realize that is a conversation not likely to end in a gift exchange. After you talk to the Lord about it, embrace your gift, whatever it is, with your whole heart. Because “God arranged the members in the body . . . as he chose,” we know there’s no mistake or shipping error. You are perfectly suited for the tasks God wants you to do, and using your gift is your responsibility.

Your gift is a combination of several different strengths uniquely combined by God and tailored to the tasks He wants you to accomplish. You might have a dab of mercy, mixed with a dose of exhortation, plus a dollop of creativity. As you discern and discover your spiritual gift, the best way to confirm it is to roll up your sleeves and serve.

You must intentionally pursue your place in the body of Christ. Eventually, you will find how He has gifted you and what you’re good at. Every part matters! And when you find your place and begin serving His church, you will discover great joy.

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