Saturday, January 30, 2016

What an amazing day of ministry!!!

What an amazing day of ministry we had today! I was at Bethesda full Gospel Tabernacle in Tonawanda, New York for a Mad Live Event today. We had about 100 people attend and 11 people indicated on their evaluation forms that they gave their lives to Jesus Christ at the Event! Praise God!

I then headed to Bath, NY, and as I was going to be in the area, I arranged to have dinner with the chairman of the board of our ministry, Pastor Ron. Ron missed a text message from me and as a result, he was going to be about a half hour late to meet me for dinner. He suggested I check in at the hotel and he would meet me at the hotel. At the desk I was greeted by the manager, a young lady named Arion, and she asked me if I was in the area visiting family. I explained to her that I was here to teach at a church in Avoca tomorrow. She asked me what I taught, and I told her I teach lifestyle evangelism. She asked what that was and we discussed here beliefs about God and Christ. She is correct in her understanding, but when I asked her if she was “born again”, she didn’t understand what that meant. We ended up in a lengthy discussion about church and the plan of salvation. I also took her through the Way of the Master material and she told me she was very frightened of the thought of going to Hell. She currently doesn’t attend church because her job keeps her busy 60 hours a week. I shared the Gospel very clearly with her and gave her a “One Second After You Die” booklet and a Gospel of John to read. She asked for my contact info in case she had questions. I then asked if she was off tomorrow and she said, “yes”. I suggested she come to the training at Avoca Baptist Church. Arion said she knew where it was and that she would come if she didn’t get sick. Apparently a coworker has been sick with the flu for a week and she was starting to feel sick. I asked if I could pray for her and she excitedly said, “Yes!”. She told me if she was feeling well in the morning she would come to the Live Event. Ron then arrived and as he walked in she told me that had he been on time and we went to dinner, I never would have met her as she was due to leave soon. She recognized that this was a “God thing” that we met and got to talk. Pray that she get rest and shows up tomorrow for the Live Event!

We also got to pray for our waitress, a young lady named Felicia tonight. We left her a generous tip and a Gospel of John to read. I am excited to be back at Avoca Baptist for the third time to share the latest rendition of the MAD Live Event!

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