Monday, April 27, 2015

How the Lord Used us in April 2015

Greetings in the name of Jesus! Are you watching what's happening to our world as sin consumes everything in its path? Even though every day it seems like the world is getting more crazy, the good news is that as each day passes, we are one day closer to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ's for His bride! I am praying that He comes soon! As we are in the final days in the world as we know it, I shouldn't be surprised that fewer and fewer churches are interested in equipping their people to do what Jesus commanded His followers to do - make disciples of all nations, For years I have been saying that it is getting harder and harder to get into churches to help equip the people to begin sharing their faith in Christ. I have never made so many phone calls with so little success. But I know God is sovereign and in control! I praise Him even as we struggle to make a larger impact for eternity. We covet your prayers, financial support, and partnership as we seek to do what the Lord has called us to do for His glory! Thanks for your support. Keep praying and looking up! Come quickly Lord Jesus! ------ We praise the Lord for the completion of another month of ministry. In April, here’s what the Lord let us do: • 3 MAD Live Events • Spoke at 1 Men’s Lenten Breakfast in CT • Shared the Gospel at 2 Group Bike Blessings • Completed 1 Walk thru the Bible Old Testament seminar We praise God for using us to lead 9 new people to faith in Christ this month, and we worked hard on being faithful to plant and water seeds as God gave us the opportunities. My brother in the Lord and dear friend Charlie wrote this email to some Christian Business contacts in hopes of opening some doors of ministry for us in their churches. Thank you Charlie! “One of the reasons I love to share my faith with the lost is certainly because of the gift that God has given me, but also because of Don Sunshine. Don Sunshine has become a great friend of mine and has taught me (and many others), how to share their faith without fear. I have not only experienced Don’s teaching on 7 different occasions (SC, NY, TN, FL) but I have also traveled with him in his ministry in effort to share the Gospel with the lost. Don’s MAD (Make A Difference) Training will teach, equip and challenge all who are present (young and old) to become a true Ambassador for Jesus Christ! I have only been here for a year and a half (as you know), and I could not wait to approach our Pastor and Deacon’s about Don. Within in a year here was here and after his teaching, all present were greatly impacted and more than one person said to me “know I know why God sent you to our church…to bring Don Sunshine to us”. I certainly believe that God brought me here for other reasons….but bringing Don here continues to impact them. He’s already coming back again on July 12th for a Walk Thru the Bible teaching…and all are excited to see him again! I hope I have made my point, I encourage you to check out his website, the testimonies, and pray that you ask your church leadership team to invite Don to your church. I promise you – it will be one of the most impactful teachings you will have heard ….and by the way, he has a great sense of humor and therefore makes it fun too. It is truly amazing how God uses him. I would be more than happy to share more with you and / or your church leadership team if needed.” One testimony from one of the men who attended the Men’s Lenten Breakfast that I spoke at in CT: “Thank you for the message on Saturday at the men's breakfast in CT. I've been attending that for a few years now and I've been praying for the Gospel to be preached instead of feeding the sheep fluff. It's exactly what the group needed to hear. Thanks again and I will be praying for your ministry.” SMOKY MOUNTAINS MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURE We still have room for this June trip. Please contact us ASAP if you’re interested. It is $395 per person and more info is available on our website. MAY AND JUNE SCHEDULE • May 2 - MAD Live Event - Hand in Hand Church, Elmira, NY • May 16 - MAD Live Event - Mt. Zion Road Church of the Brethren, Lebanon, PA • May 23 - MAD Live Event - Calvary Chapel E.F.C., Hegins, PA • May 30 - MAD Live Event - SBC - Host church location TBD, Camden, SC • June 7 - MAD Live Event - Grace Fellowship Church, Jersey Shore, PA • June 28 - MAD Live Event - Victory Baptist Church, Maryville, TN This just “made my day”. I called a Pastor in NY a couple of weeks ago and we talked about the M.A.D. Live Event. He said he would check the website and that I could call him back. So today was the day. I called him back and he said he looked at the website and it really got him excited! In fact, it excited him so much that he was motivated to call an evangelist that he has used in the past, and ask him to come to his church to teach his people how to share their faith! Ugggh….welcome to my world. God has blessed us. Your faithful prayer and financial support make the ministry bookings and schedule possible. THANK YOU for your support. PRAYER REQUESTS I spent countless hours on the phone this month working through the 600+ pastors’ names that have been give to me as referrals from the MAD Live Event. We thank the Lord for a few connections, and we hope that these will lead to fall bookings. I will continue to call until we have gone all the way through the list and then we will start over. For us to fill our schedule, we need your help and prayers more than ever. It seems churches are not interested in equipping their people to share Christ effectively; sad, but most likely a sign of our times. Keep praying! • ***For our 2015 schedule to fill (see above) • We completed 3 months of 30 second radio spots for the MAD Live Event on Word FM. 136 spots were done during “drive time” over the 3 months. Sadly, we’ve only received two phone calls from them, and although we are very disappointed with the results, we hope that these two will lead to new bookings. • An email blast will be going out this week from the Founder and President of Crown College of the Bible to over 500 churches in the Mid-Atlantic area. PLEASE pray that the email results in calls to schedule trainings. • We ask for continued prayers for good health and safety as we travel and minister, and that hearts will be open to the Holy Spirit. Love in Christ, Cathy and Don

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